
From fattwiki

Fiasco (also known as Fiasco Classic)[note 1] is a game about small time capers gone disastrously wrong by Jason Morningstar (Bully Pulpit Games).

You will engineer and play out stupid, disastrous situations, usually at the intersection of greed, fear, and lust. It’s like making your own Coen brothers movie, in about the same amount of time it’d take to watch one.

– Official website

Friends at the Table has played multiple games of Fiasco set in Bluff City: "A Bowling Alley, A Boxer, and A Bird", two Live at the Table games set at the Bluff City Zoo, and "Hard Luck".

Morningstar's game The Skeletons also appeared in an episode of Live at the Table.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Following the release of a card-based version of Fiasco, Bully Pulpit games now refers to the dice-based version played on Friends at the Table as Fiasco Classic.

External links[edit | edit source]