Caitlyn Paul

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This page is for the accountant. For the superpowered criminal, see Caitlin Key.

Caitlyn Paul was an accountant for Bluff City Studios, where she usually handled the extra staff payroll and requirements (animal handlers, etc). Currently she is an accountant for Dr Bart’s private practise.

She also runs a very anecdotal recipe blog as a hobby (I’m, which contains lots of long stories that feature her cousin Eve’s farm and skirt around mentioning that the farm does not belong to her. She often visits Eve on her farm as they are cousins but are “friends first”.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Caitlyn is 30ish and is described as having brown hair which she has lightened to a red tone (previously, in her college years, it was blonde). In The Moving Pictures, she wears understated, natural-toned makeup, an expensive high-quality t-shirt, jeans, an infinity scarf, and ankle boots. She was facecast from

History and Involvement[edit | edit source]

Like Dr Bart and Eve, Caitlyn comes from a Catholic family background.

During high school, Caitlyn ran track and field. While running late at night (around 7pm or 8pm), she was hit by a car in a hit-and-run driver. As she did not have a cell phone at the time, she had to limp back to a gas station to use their phone to call for help. This experience has always stuck with her.

She is the kind of person who regularly arrives early for work, and is “super-super averse to taking any kind of risk”. She drives a 2006 Accura TCX, which is her first car. She has a MasterCard. Her favourite colour is black. She is a Libra.