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Motion is a Divine of the Divine Principality, aligned with Stel Apostolos, and one of the leaders of the Pact of Necessary Venture. She commands the Black Century. Ver'million Blue has declared her as her rival.[1]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Like many Divines, seemingly incorporeal at first glance. Mechs in her Black Century are filled with coiled electrical cabling like an inner skeleton or musculature, which seems to be a manifestation of Motion, allowing her to continue powering them. Her troops are accompanied by a visible fog, a manifestation of the Perennial Wave.

Her elects have piloted a Pneuma and the Pneuma variant the Demiurgos, which feature ovoid verniers and mid-range weaponry.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Motion is unrelenting, vicious, prideful, views others as tools, and enjoys violence for violence's sake. She's eager to make use of experimental technology, including things stolen from her enemies. Although she is "Motion", her vision for the empire would bring the vibrancy and variety of life in motion across the galaxy to a halt.[2]

History and Involvement[edit | edit source]

Motion was created by Apostolos after it was made a Stel, suggesting she is only a few centuries old.[note 1][1] She seems to have taken offense to Kesh's rejection of Dahlia, calling the Stel "loathsome frauds".[3] Although the named signatories of the Pact are all Elects, Motion is the one truly in control of Hyacinth, and a valued member of the Pact. Rye and Gallica trust her to get things done, though she is a little experimental for their tastes.[4]

During Stel Kesh's push for Fort Icebreaker, Motion did not fall for the ploy that the rest of Apostolos's forces did. She marched the Black Century to Point Juniper, facing off against the Rapid Evening.[5] Motion later attacked Auspice using GLORY and the Black Century during Millennium Break's showing of a promotional film, with the goal of disrupting the alliance talks between Millennium Break and the Isles of Logos. The Society of Banners and Bright Returns fought against her at this time.[6]


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She sent her GLORY squad after the Blue Channel as it left Partizan, and GLORY soon fought alongside her again in the fights across the Girandole system which took place in the finale. Motion led Operation Shackled Sun's attempt to shackle the True Divine. When her first plan failed, she channeled the power of the True Divine herself, ultimately overflowing with energy to the point of destroying even allied Pact ships. She was destroyed by Asepsis, with her power converted into the Kalmeria particle.


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As of PALISADE, she is "more dead than any Divine has maybe been in a long fucking time", but the Kalmeria Particle has been harnessed into various technological advancements, including the AdArm Motion Engine, which was named for her. This may or may not be a win.[7]


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Inspired by the Motion engine, Exanceaster March and the Frontier Syndicate have begun building power stations into the new Baseline cities which siphon Motion from Kalmeria in the air. The plan is to revive Motion and enslave her with a contract written by Arbitrage. Some of her essence is planned to be diverted into Delegates as well. Prototype bodies have already been produced, with sharp edges and elongated features, much like Motion herself in the Pneuma and Demiurgos.

Appears in[edit | edit source]

Road to PARTIZAN[edit | edit source]

PARTIZAN[edit | edit source]

PALISADE[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Stel Apostolos joined the Divine Principality within the Perfect Millennium, and the events of PARTIZAN take place in 1423-1424 PM.

References[edit | edit source]