List of characters in The Six's arc

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This list contains major spoilers for Marielda. Tread carefully!

The following is a list of characters appearing in episodes 3 through 14 of Marielda, which follow the exploits of the Six, a gang of knowledge-peddlers in the city of Marielda.

The Six

Main page: The Six

Aubrey Zosim

Main page: Aubrey Zosim

Aubrey Zosim is a cobbin alchemist and smuggler from Emberboro. Despite being a member of a notorious criminal gang, Aubrey tries to avoid ever permanently harming anyone. Aubrey is played by Sylvi Bullet.


Main page: Castille

Castille is a sapient pala-din who lives in an Iris Parish studio apartment and works as a blacksmith. She was once an elf mage named Charter Castille. In addition to the female statue body she typically inhabits, Castille can also slip her consciousness into a black porcelain cat figurine. Castille is played by Ali Acampora.

Edmund Hitchcock

Main page: Edmund Hitchcock

Edmund Hitchcock is a scoundrel and former cavalryman who now teaches dancing at a school in Chrysanthemum Parish. His twin brother's school is in the basement. Edmund is played by Jack de Quidt.

Ethan Hitchcock

Main page: Ethan Hitchcock

Ethan Hitchcock is a scoundrel and former cavalryman who now teaches dueling at a school in Chrysanthemum Parish. His twin brother's school is upstairs. Ethan is played by Jack de Quidt.

Sige Coleburn

Main page: Sige Coleburn

Sige Coleburn is a muscular former factory worker who turned to crime after losing two fingers in a manufacturing accident. The son of a rich family from the Golden Zone, he was orphaned in the war with Samot at the end of the Quiet Year, and in his spare time he works on repairing the magical boat his family once helped build, in hopes of escaping the island. Sige is played by Andrew Lee Swan.

Associates of the Six


Frank and Beans

Main page: Frank and Beans

Frank and Beans are a pair of golden retrievers that Castille took from the Office of Lost Materials. They now live in the Six's hideout.


Main page: Peg

Peg is a weaver train engineer whom the Six recruited during the Crosstown Job. She can be rather unnerving and pushy, and is very protective of Zaktrak.


Main page: Zaktrak

Zaktrak is a nervous cobbin train engineer whom the Six recruited during the Crosstown Job.

Caroline Fair-Play

Caroline Fair-Play is a student at both of Hitchcock's schools, though she is a better duelist than dancer. She is inside Memoriam College as a prospective student during the Valentine Affair, and ends up joining the crew as a cohort afterward. She is the twin sister of Carolyn Fair-Play.

Miss Salary

Main page: Miss Salary

Miss Salary is a bubbly young member of the Yellow House until her compatriots are all killed in the library of Memoriam College, at which point she joins up with the Six.


Ailen Cartwright

Ailen Cartwright is the Six's broker contact, a person with lots of useful connections who can help set up meetings and get useful information.

Claret Holiday

Main page: Claret Holiday

Claret Holiday is the vampire leader of the Red Rank Irregulars, a crew of mercenary soldiers based in Violet Parish and allied with the Six. She is secretly also Lance Noble Violet.

Daisy Velour

Daisy Velour is the owner of an upscale shop where Castille sells the iron goods she crafts in her studio.

Gentle Johnny

Gentle Johnny is a weaver who has helped Aubrey smuggle alchemical supplies into Emberboro.

Lilith R'ion

Main page: Lilith R'ion

Lilith R'ion is a half-elf, half-orc hustler from Quince Parish who makes a living selling elven artifacts, real or fake. Sige often seeks her out when he needs magical objects to melt down for fixing up his boat.

Snitch Nightly

Main page: Snitch Nightly

Snitch Nightly is an annoying and obstinate ne'er-do-well and acquaintance of Hitchcock's who runs a criminal organization called the Nightly News.



Main page: Maelgwyn

Maelgwyn, a handsome and confident man who disappeared during the Quiet Year, is the son of Samot and Samothes. The Six free him from imprisonment in the Memoriam College vault. He wears a gauntlet that channels his power and becomes convinced that he must kill his father Samothes to stop the Heat and the Dark.


Main page: Samaantine

Samaantine is a deity associated with armor, shielding, and protection.


Main page: Samol

Samol is a deity who represents the earth. He gives his body and blood to be worked on, and all things are of him. Fond of guitars and nature, he is a parental figure for Samothes and Samot. He is ill and has begun dying. Samol also provides each episode's opening narration, as voiced by Austin Walker.


Main page: Samonta

Samonta, once called Severea, is the god of all living things, but especially wolves. She is also associated with wind, ships, and trade.


Main page: Samot

Samot, the Boy-Traitor, the Boy-King in Leisure, God of Books and Wine, is locked in war with his ex, Samothes. His armies attacked Marielda fifteen years ago and are advancing on the city once more.


Main page: Samothes

Samothes, King-God, the Artificer Divine, Once-And-Future King of Hieron and the Eternal Princes, is the watchful deity of knowledge and invention who rules over Marielda from his volcano.


Main page: Tristero

Tristero is the god of death. He retired to Nacre and sealed it off from the world. A group of former refugees in Marielda called the Hospitallers of Tristero worship him.

Deities' Associates

Adroit the Younger

Adroit the Younger is a member of Severea's entourage at the High Sun Day celebrations in Samothes' palace. He leads the mistral in Severea's entourage.


Main page: Kindrali

Kindrali is a huge, ogre-like being who attends High Sun Day as a member of Samol's entourage. Sige sits beside him for a while. He has not yet become Kindrali, He Who Remembers the Day.


Main page: Primo

Primo, the Artificer Mundane, is an ancient cobbin and Samothes' right-hand man. He dresses the Six for High Sun Day celebrations and gives some of them advice. Aubrey is excited to meet him.

The Golden Lance

Main page: Golden Lance


Main page: Thackeray

Thackeray, also known as Lance Sovereign Marielda, is a dour man who has been Hitchcock's bitter rival since they were captains of adjacent regiments, a time capped off by Thackeray losing his nose in a duel with one of the scoundrel twins. Since that ill-fated day, Thackeray has been promoted to Lance Sovereign, the leader of the Golden Lance in Marielda.

Lance Noble Chrysanthemum

Lance Noble Chrysanthemum is an officer of the Golden Lance assigned to Chrysanthemum Parish. She is a former tea witch who wears a skirt and short jacket rather than the agency's traditional longcoat.

Lance Noble Helianthus

Lance Noble Helianthus is the Golden Lance officer assigned to Helianthus Parish. She used to be a building superintendent in Helianthus before she found a Lancer's gun and did the right thing with it, at which point Samothes appointed her to the unit.

Lance Noble Iris

Main page: Lance Noble Iris

An old man with a fondness for candy, Lance Noble Iris has lived in Marielda since before it was called Marielda. He is the Golden Lance officer assigned to Iris Parish.

Lance Noble Orchid

The Lance Noble of Orchid Parish is the youngest member of the Golden Lance, an immature man with a chip on his shoulder whose gun was stolen by Sige Coleburn. Sige later steals Orchid's gun a second time and leaves him to die in Memoriam College.

Lance Noble Quince

Also known as Morket Dal, Marquis of Valleys, Lost Letters, and the Second Cool Breeze, Quinceton's Lance Noble is one of the only orcs in the city of Marielda. He wears a cowboy hat, smokes cigars, and wields a glowing blade in lieu of the Golden Lance's traditional sidearm.

Lance Noble Violet

Claret Holiday


Main page: Rebecca

Rebecca first shows up in Marielda as an agent of the Fontmen during their war with the Six, but she retreats from a skirmish in the Hanging Gardens of Maelgwyn after Hitchcock cuts off her hand. She is later promoted to Lance Noble Orchid after the previous officer dies during the Valentine Affair. As a member of the Golden Lance, her hand is replaced with one of a different skin color, but she still carries the trademark burning cane of the Fontmen.

The Crosstown Job


Main page: Ali (character)

Ali is a steward stationed in the breakfast car of the Crosstown Express. Edmund tells them that he is looking for his missing son.

Betting passenger

The betting passenger is a man from Helianthus who is riding the Crosstown Express. He bets his friend who refuses to ride the train that he will get to work before him. Sige punches him in the face as a distraction and nearly sends him out the window.

Betting pedestrian

The betting pedestrian is a man from Helianthus who, skeptical of trains, bets his friend that he will get to work first on foot. He will not.

Breakfast car attendant

The breakfast car attendant is a kindly, older bald man working behind the bar in a dining car filled with passengers from Orchid Parish. He implores a sobbing Edmund not to cry on Train Day. Orange juice is his favorite of the juices.


Main page: Jeremy (steward)

Jeremy is the steward stationed at the end of the breakfast car opposite Ali.

Old man from Chrysanthemum

While moving to the front of the train, Edmund has a disconcertingly long conversation in the ballroom car with a very old member of Maelgwyn's Faithful from Chrysanthemum Parish. The man, who gives the impression of being from an impossibly distant time, claims to have known Samot (who he will not mention by name) in the old days but remained faithful to Samothes. He speaks very slowly, in a somewhat hoarse voice, with lots of pauses and sentences that trail off or restart partway through.

Passenger car steward

The passenger car steward is a railroad employee stationed in the rear of the train, at the door to the engine. He tries uselessly to attack Sige after he witnesses the brawl Sige starts to enable Castille to enter the engine car.

The Valentine Affair

Bolster Valentine

Bolster Valentine is the ghost of a human mage murdered in Marielda fifteen years prior. Castille accidentally summons him during a fight in the Hanging Gardens of Maelgwyn, traps him in a spirit bottle, then releases him again in the Memoriam College library.

The Valentine Affair revolves around the Six's attempt to steal Mortal Liminality, a book from Memoriam College that Valentine wrote during the Quiet Year.

Carolyn Fair-Play

Carolyn Fair-Play-is-a-Fool's-Game is a student at both of Hitchcock's schools, though she is a better duelist than dancer. She is inside Memoriam College during the Valentine Affair, ostensibly to become a student but actually to steal the Book of Life from the library vault. After deceiving and double-crossing Hitchcock, Carolyn is killed by Rector Sabinia while trying to escape the college. She is the twin sister of Caroline Fair-Play.


The cobbler is the proprietor of a quiet shoe store in a secluded part of the Hanging Gardens of Maelgwyn where Castille and Edmund Hitchcock fight with Bolster Valentine and the Fontmen.


Main page: Elias

Elias is a well-to-do apothecary, Chief Alchemist of Marielda, and a rival of Aubrey.

Gentle The-Night-You-Were-Born

Gentle is a proctor for the admission exams at Memoriam College. He skips the orientation banquet because he is feeling sick, but lets Hitchcock borrow a map of the school.

Professor Hectares

Professor Hectares is a notorious instructor at Memoriam who may or may not actually exist. Hitchcock poses as him.


Main page: Layabout

Layabout is the horse Hitchcock rides during a dream-vision.

Master Latitude

Main page: Master Latitude

Master Latitude is a young member of the Yellow House who seems to be a werewolf. He is killed in the library vault by Carolyn Fair-Play.

Mrs. Manufactory

Main page: Mrs. Manufactory

Mrs. Manufactory is the leader of a group of Yellow House operatives trying to steal the Book of Life from Memoriam College. She is killed by Carolyn Fair-Play.

Rector Sabinia

Main page: Rector Sabinia

Rector Sabinia is a prominent and reclusive religious figure and the head of Memoriam College. While searching for a solution to the Heat and the Dark, she finds herself swallowed by it and goes mad. Miss Salary kills her with Winston Cartwright's dark knife.

Brother Silas

Main page: Brother Silas

Brother Silas, also known as Prelate Silas, is a high-ranking priest in the Creed of Samothes who attends the Memoriam College orientation banquet yearly to give a blessing. He and Hitchcock, the latter impersonating Professor Hectares, sneak off to the operating theatre, where Silas assaults Hitchcock and skulks off to do his own covert business.

Winsley Cartwright

Winsley Cartwright is the ghost of a human alchemist murdered outside Marielda's western wall during the Quiet Year. As a spirit, he is now in charge of the Winsley Cartwright Living Library at Memoriam College. He is the father of Winston Cartwright.

Winston Cartwright

Winston Cartwright, also known as Mister Calendar, is a Yellow House agent with a serious demeanor who carries a strange knife. Sige kills him in front of his father, Winsley.

Four Conversations


Main page: Christopher

Christopher is a reclusive, semi-disgraced priest who admitted during the Quiet Year that he had once tutored Samot. During "Four Conversations", he speaks with Castille while she waits for a meeting with Maelgwyn.


Coral is a tea witch. Edmund Hitchcock and Snitch Nightly visit her while Edmund is trying to discern who has the other half of the map to the Mansion.

Hedy Braum

Hedy Braum was the first weaver to come to Marielda. She organized the Weaver Union, a group of city-dwelling weaver petitioning for civil and political rights. During "Four Conversations", she meets with Sige in Quince Parish and brings him to see Samol in the Western Wood.

The Killing of the King-God Samothes By The Traitor Prince Maelgwyn

Disciples of Samot

The Six encounter four self-proclaimed Disciples of Samot in Samothes' palace during High Sun Day celebrations.

Bewilder San-Beckett

Bewilder San-Beckett is a master mage who specializes in illusion magic. Maelgwyn makes Bewilder give up his seat to Castille.

Fester Finlay

Main page: Fester Finlay

Fester Finlay is a master mage who specializes in magic of life and death; he's kind of a necromancer.

Garner Halisham

Main page: Garner Halisham

Garner Halisham is a master mage whose focus is on movement, transportation, and navigation. Castille makes Garner give up the chair he is sitting in so that Ethan can sit down.

Smoulder Cunningham

Smoulder Cunningham is a master of fire magic. She and Castille were on decent terms back when Castille was Charter Castille.

Rosalind Marroweater

Rosalind Marroweater is a thin, wiry halfling whom the Six briefly encounter in Samothes' palace.
