COUNTER/Weight 05: A Ship of Seeds

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Episode description

In this episode of Friends at the Table, we introduce the "second layer" to our MechNoir campaign, combining elements from Microscope and Stars Without Number to get a fuller picture of the powers that be in the Golden Branch star sector. Find out what Snowtrak Industries is digging up from the icefields of the planet Ionias. Listen in on EarthHome Entertainment as they put wicked machinations into action. And get ready to meet the slickest pirate fleet you've ever heard of.

This time on Friends at the Table: COUNTER/Weight "A Ship of Seeds"

Remember not to lose the forest for the trees!



Dre and Sylvi introduce their special factions, Snowtrak Synergies and the Odamas Fleet; they will be important each week, but other factions may get less attention. All the factions get a brief overview.

Minerva begins to build up wealth.

EarthHome uses their marketers to go after the Consolidated Counterweight Technocracy, which is played out in a scene. Leonard Bircham (with his assistant, Darius Flannigan) attempts to argue that the recent Angels of Counterweight broadcasts which showed Aria's mech were IP violations and the CCT is at fault; Orth rebuffs this, as the broadcast was clearly deliberate interference by a third party.

The Rapid Evening builds up money in preparation for further action.

Snowtrak purchases a franchise asset on Joypark to deal with worker shortages caused by some sort of mind control centered on the ice planet of Ionias. This is played out in a scene: Lena Shashkova meets with her subordinates in a temperature-controlled, beach-themed office. Oren reports that people like working on Ionias a little too much and suggests contacting his friend Leonard Bircham to run a recruiting campaign. Natalya is frustrated by her bosses and their "ship of seeds" metaphor. The air-conditioning hums ominously in Lena's office.

Fairchild purchases a posttech industry asset and Apostolos begins to build up power in preparation for attacking Torru.

The Odamas Fleet attacks Fairchild with their stealth unit: a mixed group of work robots, humans, and genemodded people. The work robots infiltrate a Fairchild facility for weeks, until the humans cause an outside distraction, allowing the robots to act. The facility is destroyed in an explosion, at the cost of the robots' lives.

Horizon attacks Tetrakal in the hopes of taking it from Odamas, but fails miserably. With this, Odamas meets their goal of dealing damage to enemy fleets, which will allow them new opportunities in the next Faction Game.


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