Alise Breka

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Stories and histories both take people’s photos. But stories take portraits, and histories take mugshots.

– Alise Breka, "Last Shooting"

Alise Breka is the author of the popular Renegade Hearts pulp series, which tells stories of daring and romantic Hallow pilots,[1] and the chief propagandist for Millennium Break.[2]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Alise looks like a specific photo of Shelley Duvall in a beautiful, garish outfit from a 1971 issue of Vogue.[3]

Personality[edit | edit source]

She is inquisitive, creative, and connected.

History and Involvement[edit | edit source]

PARTIZAN[edit | edit source]

She is a a guest lecturer at Verglaz University, on Partizan to research her next book, partly by interviewing the imprisoned pirate Exeter Leap.[3] She advises Leap to steal the rings of Aleel Verdicate[4] and eventually joins him in Millennium Break, where she works with Zo'la to create propaganda.[5]

PALISADE[edit | edit source]

Alise has become the chief propagandist for Millennium Break. She has pivoted to creative nonfiction and written several books about Millennium Break and its members that center the idea that change is possible.[6] Among her creative nonfiction works is also Among Sharks, a version of the story of Misericorde and Cor'rina Corrine considered defamatory by the Pact and the Curtain alike.[7]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Appears in[edit | edit source]

PARTIZAN[edit | edit source]

The Road to PALISADE[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]