Coughton Solstice is the husband of Crevera Solstice. When she is off travelling, as she often does, he is technically head of the Solstice household despite being "an absolute pushover", as the Divine, Arbitrage puts it. Enjoys Noir movies because he sees himself in them, despite no one else thinking that.
He's in his mid-50s and his hair is graying, but he keeps himself well-groomed to present a stronger appearance. He wears a long coat.
History and Involvement[edit | edit source]
During "Upstairs & Downstairs", he's doing his best to convince Exanceaster March to leave the Pact for the Bilats in the hopes that this will raise the standing of the Solstice family within Stel Kesh.
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He is accidentally shot with an arrow by his son Carvisle Solstice and spends most of the night receiving medical attention, though his daughter Catrina Solstice does manage to talk March around to the Bilateral Intercession, returning some prestige tot he family, even if they end up losing Somerset House to Millennium Break.