Sangfielle 13: Market Day in Blackwick

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Episode description[edit | edit source]

There is a sense of verve in the air by the time the suns rise on Blackwick, today. Visitors arrive from every entry: A magnificent shape train at the station. A caravan and its bazaar. The grand opening of a new trade hall. A line of nuns, faces blooming bright and colorful. Yes, oh yes. It is Market Day in Blackwick.

This week on Sangfielle: Market Day in Blackwick

Almanac of the Heartland Rider[edit | edit source]

'This issue of the Heartland Rider is brought to you by The Open Hand Trade Hall and its Chief Patron, Dayward yon Vantzon-Estonbergh, who would like you to know that he says"Remember: I might be from Aldomina, but the Open Hand is -A Blackwick 'Original'-"'

Organizations[edit | edit source]

The Boundless Conclave: Less of an individual church, more of an association between hundreds of independent faiths. Small sects, nearly forgotten cults, and unjealous gods make up this vast pantheon.
The Caravan of the Coin:  Cursed by Ribbadon, Frog God of Wealth, these traveling merchant-clerics never arrive at a destination carrying what they expect.  
Sisters of the Mother-Beast: A dedicated priory of worshippers of a now-dead god, their faith now in a moment of transition towards a new figure of worship...

Facts and Figures[edit | edit source]

Erlin, the Tactful God of Lakes (he/him): People don’t often think of “lakeness,” and that’s because Erlin does the thinking for you. He embodies the relaxing, if humid, depths of Sangfielle’s many lakes.
Dr. Vellete Vandrake (she/her): Freelance Physic of Blackwick, Dr. Vandrake has mixed feelings on the influx of newcomers to Blackwick. On one hand, there’s more work—and more income—than ever. On the other, there are more people than ever to complain about her bedside manner.
Slumbous (any): A minor god of the Boundless Conclave, who is associated with the ritual practice of putting one’s candles out at night, but whose domains extend beyond that to include the more general realm of routines of care and rituals of restfulness. Often depicted in a big, crooked hat.
Stanislaka (she/they): Marisha’s replacement, the new attendant of the Boundless Conclave temple, an young ojantani whose faith to Slumbous knows no bounds.
Chantilly Scathe (she/her): The signs and barkers rarely say her name alone. She ain’t Chantilly, or even Ms. Scathe, she’s always “Ms. Chantilly Scathe and Her Shackled Engine.” Don’t let her showmanship and ringmaster garb fool you though: She seems to have done what no Shape Knight could: Make a train of the Shape, The Grand Cormorant Limited, her very own pet.
Babor Mirah (they/them): As the Trade-Medium of one of nomadic clans of the Caravan of the Coin, Babor serves as a leader
Myron Andrashi (they/them): A reporter—and a damned good one—for this very publication, the Serialized Almanac of the Heartland Rider.
Aterika’Kaal aka “Roseroot” aka “Rose Shade”: An ambivalent and ancient spirit. Offers the sweet smell and sublime beauty of roses and the sturdy foundation of a root structure. In exchange: Feed it. Only a small, dangerous branch of the deity remains.
Genburi (he/him): What's there to be said about that old rat that people don't already know? A divine professor, taller than most, with an eye as much for provocative fashion as book learning. Wears a lot of purple. Knows a bunch of languages. Not much else to say.
Dayward yon Vantzon-Estonbergh aka Dayward YVE (he/him): The moneyed scion of a minor Aldominan dynasty, Dayward YVE has traveled to the Heartland as both eager-apologist and curious explorer. Sensing opportunity, he's settled in Blackwick County.  
Dyre Ode (he/they): When an agent of the almanac pressed this mysterious, masked figure for more information about him, they only repeated their name, as if to ensure we’d print it right, adding “Dyre with Y but Ode as you’d like, a poem said in praise or a debt gone unpaid. It bothers me little, how you spell that name.”

Contents[edit | edit source]

Opening[edit | edit source]

Well, folks, we got something new here in the Serialized Almanac of the Heartland Rider: a front page advertisement. Now, when the original editor of this hallowed publication first put ink to paper, the idea of using our whole front page for promotional material? Was out of the question. But times are hard here in the Heartland and one Mr. Dayward yon Vantzon-Estonbergh, you might know him as Dayward YVE, well. He sent us a great big cheque and told us that as long as we mention the grand opening of his new Trade Hall, the Open Hand Trade Hall up on the second level of Blackwick near the old ruins at the abbey, we could spend the rest of the page talking about regular goings-on as normal. And so again, today’s issue is brought to you by the Open Hand Trade Hall.

Now, there are some other things going on in Blackwick right now that might be more worth your attention. First and foremost and right on time, Trade-Medium Babor Mirah and their leg of the Caravan of the Coin should be rolling into town just after sunrise today. And if you haven’t dealt with the Caravan then let me tell you, you are. You never know what you might find and here’s the thing. Folks at the stalls, they don’t know either. Old Ribbadon, frog god of wealth, you know the name, well he put a curse on them a long time ago. And now every time they unpack their things, their stock changes. Which means that unlike a normal market like for instance Mr. Dayward yon Vantzon-Estonbergh’s Open Hand Trade Hall, hypothetically, you won’t have sellers telling you that something’s one of a kind when they actually got fifteen more out back.

I have also heard that there’s a new train in town today. The Grand Cormorant Limited. From what has been described to me you will not want to miss it or its mysterious mistress, Miss Chantilly Scathe. Oh, and a howdy welcome by the way to the Sisters of the Mother-Beast back in Blackwick after what’s that-? Centuries away? Well, who could’ve managed to make that happen, hm? That’s right, the Blackwick Group. And they’ll be out and about today too. So, say hello. But keep your distance. Cause you never know how close is too close with a group like that.

Plot[edit | edit source]

The Caravan of the Coin and a train show up, awaking Chine from a dream about teeth. Additionally, some Nuns of the Mother-Beast return to town for market day and Dayward YVE's trade hall is opening. The nuns have beautiful, white flowers blooming in their faces now. The caravan is stocked with items of every domain besides Technology. They are doing inventory & find a replica or counterfeit coin.

Lyke creates a portal to the temple of Erlin in order to heal Echo fallout for Marn and Pickman. Marn trades her nourishing salt to heal the boils from the magistrate's poison. Pickman offers up a folded up shape train menu card and meal token to heal her own poisoning from the magistrate. Through different layer of realities, the menu card changes, but the meal token stays fixed for the The Grand Cormorant Limited.

Lyke, Duvall, and Chine go to see Dr. Velette Vandrake to heal Duvall's tiredness and other blood stress. Duvall gives her his heart's bloom rose. Chine gives her the heart that still twitches. Lyke gives her Aterika’Kaal dirt.

Marn and Pickman go shopping at the Caravan of the Coin. Marn tries to trade part of the Mother-Beast's leg, but it is a taboo; Babor Mirah reprimands her for a lack of tact and starts to give Marn and Pickman a tour of the market. Marn trades for wisteria oil and takes fortune fallout from bad vibes occurring. Pickman gets a d6 cursed doll's head that speaks (the body doesn't do anything). The head says "my head is cursed" a bunch. "This is not my body." "Do you have my body?"

Lyke fixes Pickman's gun after Pickman complains about it. Marn starts to get to know Babor a bit more by facilitating a kitchenware sale. Marn spots Dyre Ode in the distance. Lyke and Pickman try to find a good d10 gun, but there isn't one, so Lyke buys a d8 revolver. Duvall reveals a knack for spooky books, and finds one for cheap.

Es visits the train station and witnesses Chantilly Scathe's spiel, then takes a reporter for dinner. Lye asks Stanislaka for advice about Aterika'kaal. Pickman tries to investigate the train, and runs away with her tail between her legs.

Chine goes back to sleep in the evening and has a dream where they experience the constantly fluctuating nature of the Course, and give name to it. They wake up again in the middle of the night to the news that "the egg sac is gone! Someone took the damn egg sac!"

Cast[edit | edit source]

Other Characters[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]