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Tell her that I know she carries courage in her heart, and that I know that she can do what I have failed to.

Mourningbride is an Ashen who lives on Partizan. Born to a high ranking family, Mourningbride was once the Elect of Courage,[1] but left her post and journeyed to the Sable Court after learning about her people’s ancient history. With his final act, Cymbidium requested that Thisbe deliver a message to Mourningbride.[2]

History and Involvement[edit | edit source]

Once the Elect of Courage and loyal to the Divine Principality, Mourningbride defected from her position and joined the Sable Court in an effort to learn more of her people's history as the Hypha. She meets with SBBR when they journey there, and Thisbe delivers Cymbidium's final request to her.

Mourningbride joins Millennium Break on Fort Icebreaker for the group's inception.


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It is revealed that Mourningbride is still the active Elect of Courage, and that her 'betrayal' of Courage was an elaborate ruse to allow her entry into the Sable Court where she could still act as an agent of the Divine Principality. Once aboard Fort Icebreaker at the inception of Millennium Break, Courage is smuggled aboard. Once she has the opportunity Mourningbride uses Courage in an attempt to assassinate Gur Sevraq. The two are defeated by Millennium Break and ransomed back to the Stel Nideo.


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Mourningbride later appears in Oxbridge alongside an amalgimation of Courage and Order, refered to as Law, that was created by the Curtain of Divinity. Together they devastate the town of Oxbridge bringing "a halt to the violence", and destroying much of their infrastructure.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Appears in[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]