Dax Leopard

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A bro but also very emotional.

Daximillion "Dax" Leopard was the Great Cats! keeper at the Bluff City Zoo. He is known by those close to him for always having a plan or scheme in mind, and is “surprisingly ambitious” out of wanting to “make things happen”, like "getting eyes on [him]" or having a "million dollar idea".

He is almost as skilled at Just Dance for the PS4 as he is with great cats (“there’s two things I know… I know cats… and I know Just Dance for the PS4”). This deep connection to the great cats led to him paying for a doctor to confirm that he was a “full person” (which he is).

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Dax looks like Dax Shepherd with frosted tips, and wears a sleeveless t-shirt (not a tank top), although he is "noticeably a cooler, more chiller kind of guy”. When asked to wear a suit to a meeting by Councilman Ort, he wore a sleeveless suit.

Like Darren, he also owns a Dragon Ball Z Swatch, though his seems to be working correctly.

History and Involvement[edit | edit source]

Fiasco[edit | edit source]

Previous to the events of the Bluff City Zoo Fiasco, he was spotlighted in a local newspaper together with Never Watson-Wiley.

While at the Bluff City Zoo, he collaborated with his close friend Darren Cruiser to create fake zoo exhibits to generate interest in the zoo. He had a deep connection with the lioness that was transferred to the Trenton Zoo and was delighted when Boots Bonus and Darren were able to get her returned to the Bluff City Zoo. Sadly, despite a beautiful wedding for the lions they did not stay together ("the smells were wrong"), and people did not visit Dax' exhibit. Losing faith in the Bluff City Zoo, Dax released his great cats into the wild and went on the run, attempting to get as far away from Bluff City as possible on $18.

Fiasco Two[edit | edit source]

When we see him again in the April 2023 Fiasco episode his life is on an upswing, as he has found work as the small mammals keeper at Zoo 2 and has recently been elected to the park department on the Bluff City council (“um… we’re gonna make some big changes… um… thank you for the vote and let’s do this 2023 or whatever year this is”). However, he is later fired by Councilman Ort from his job as small mammals keeper after too many of the animals were lost.

Since becoming small mammals keeper and looking after the chinchillas he now takes dust baths (“spend a lot of time with animals, get some ideas") though he does still take showers.

After the incident at Zoo 2, Dax was promoted within the zoo. Though he had less direct contact with animals, he was still able to work at Zoo Free after hours and direct the care of the animals there in a more hands on way.

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Darren[edit | edit source]

When seen in Fiasco!, Dax and Darren had been friends for a long time both at the zoo and out of it (“we basically totally run this”), using their shared Netflix account to watch Netflix while the animals “hang out”. Dax and Darren had a secret handshake they did to indicate that they were on the same page with one another (the "bro page"), where they held their hands in front of them as though they were reading a book and then point a finger to their palm as though they were pointing at a line in the book. They then said “bro page” aloud.

After the end of the first Fiasco game, when Darren took a job at the Trenton Zoo and moved away, the two saw each other less and less often until their friendship dissolved. This situation was rectified through their time working together at Zoo 2. Dax and Darren now sometimes collaborate on Dax's Free Zoo, with Darren bringing Dax mistreated animals from Zoo 3 for his zoo.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • He can sneeze on command.
  • He owns a gold razor flip phone and the 106 iPhone which was given to him by Boots Bonus, which has a cracked screen, no case, and gets two hours of battery life per day.
  • He used to be on a junior varsity diving team.
  • He drinks lemon sparkling water with vodka (la Coix Shaker).
  • At a previous family Thanksgiving dinner he ate a whole pumpkin pie (“sick Thanksgiving at my house”).

Appears in[edit | edit source]