The Road to PALISADE 16: Serious Reading

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Episode description

Records Recovered from the Divine, Arbitrage


The Bilateral Intercession: This faction, made up primarily from Stel Nideo and Kesh assets, was formerly known as the Curtain. The rebranding comes as part of a “civil coup” performed by Cynosure Whitestar-Kesh. In a move that surprised no group more than the Curtain themselves, Cynosure spent years growing in confidence and power, until that intelligence organization could be once again reduced to a tool. Still defined by their traditionalism, they wield their control on culture, religion, and history as a weapon—and the extensive spy network for which they are named when those come up short.
The Pact of Free States: While the Bilateral Intercession’s name change reflects a shift in leadership and posture for the Curtain, the shift from “The Pact of Necessary Venture” to “The Pact of Free States” is simply the public acceptance of what was already widely understood to be true. Led in name by Dahlia, the Glorious Princept, and in day-to-day operation by senior members of Stels Apostolos and Columnar, the Pact paint themselves as liberal reformists whose aim is to increase the degree of autonomy in each of the Stels, such that they become in reality five separate nations.


Continental Countinghouse (he/him): CENTRE/line host who specializes in playful monologues, managing social equilibrium, and ad reads.
Pregoria Prilt (she/her): CENTRE/line panel member from Stel Columnar with a great interest in eating utensils and ancient Earth.
Reatta Fossick (they/them): CENTER/Line panel member from Stel Kesh whose expertise in economic matters is only eclipsed by their deftness with euphemisms.
Galaebalus Splu-u-mp (Gal/Gals, they them): CENTRE/line panel from Stel Apostolos member with strong feelings about work ethic, lunch sandwiches, and freedom.


10th Coronet: A metropolitan space station—shaped like a crown, orbiting a dying sun—deep in the heart of Stel Orion, home to the galaxy's largest stock market, the stel’s governing body, and its media industry.
TSYU: A university with one of the galaxy’s most prestigious medical schools, whose director, Jellicle (she/her), has little experience in any field except advertising.. Formerly called “TCYU,” prior to a recent acquisition and branding change.


Orion Trade Concordance: A treaty signed by all five Stels, allowing for the safe and free movement of Stel Orion ships doing business anywhere in the Principality. On paper, this allows old trade lanes to remain active and for shipping of necessary goods to go uninterrupted by the ever-spreading civil war. In practice, it gives Stel Orion a tighter-than-ever hold on galactic commerce, and provides cover for a great deal of illegal activity. It was well negotiated, don’t you think?




Podcast time

– Layer Luxurious

