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(Redirected from Hounds)

HOUNDs is a dice-stacking roleplaying game by Tyler Crumrine (Possible Worlds Games) about the bond between a mech pilot and their robot companion.

It was played over the course of two sessions in February 2022 as the inaugural game of the Road to PALISADE. The friends had previously played Crumrine's games Beak, Feather & Bone on Live at the Table, and went on to play his games Guess Whodunit? and Scene Thieves during Live at the Table and a subsequent fundraising livestream.

HOUNDs is a dice-stacking roleplaying game about the bond between a mech pilot and their robot companion. HOUND stands for a Human-Operated Utility-Neurolink Device, and authorities want to erase your mech’s memories, deleting your friendship. Escape is unlikely, but you’re determined to resist.

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