Zeal, Ambition, or Future is a Divine shaped like a golden orb which can either be carried by or hover around a chosen person. It offers its chosen unparalleled perspective on the hopes and dreams of themselves and others, and the endless vigor with which to pursue them.[1]
Appearance[edit | edit source]
Zeal is a hovering golden orb slightly larger than a bocce ball. In its first appearance, it's said some people see "Apostolosian writing" and/or "references to the Free States of Kalliope" on its surface.[2]
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Having taken on Gur's body, when Figure and Eclectic encounter it, it has replaced Gur's head with itself.
History and Involvement[edit | edit source]
COUNTER/Weight[edit | edit source]
Zeal first appears when it is auctioned off at a costume ball on Counterweight just before the reemergence of Rigour. At the time, it is said to be similar to the golden orb still in the possession of the Iron Choir, which was one half of an Apostolosian superweapon. It does not show any of the abilities of either half of the superweapon and any relation they might have is never explained.
Mako Trig steals Zeal from the auction and gives it to Orth Godlove, and Zeal takes on the name Ambition. Orth and Ambition work together to prevent Rigour's victory.
Discovery recognizes Zeal as a version of Rigour with its violent logic replaced by an "ascending, triumphant, emotional stir"; in that way, it is akin to Righteousness.[3]
PARTIZAN[edit | edit source]
Future is a Stel Columnar Divine. It was stolen from Myosotis by Gur Sevraq, who uses it to think past the confines of imperial imagination.
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After Sevraq falls from Icebreaker, it is recovered (along with his body) by the Curtain and Stel Nideo. They are holding Future while they make some of the propaganda speeches arranged by their captors.
PALISADE[edit | edit source]
Gur Sevraq describes himself as the Elect of Future in a speech in the intro to "The Canvas of Dreams Pt. 1".
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When Figure and Eclectic infiltrate the Temple of the Threshold, Future is revealed to have taken over Gur's body and begun impersonating him itself. Tired of being used by others (including Gur when he stole the Divine), it is pursuing its own goals by heading the Principality's propaganda campaign. When Figure faces Future, it destroys his soul and absorbs the shade of Gur Sevraq, despite Eclectic Opposition's attempt to use the power of Opposition to stop them.
After the explosion of the Mirage bombs, Future flees Palisade with the aid of the Devotees and moves further into the Mirage while continuing to try to sway citizens of the Mirage (and Wakeful) to support the Principality. As Wakeful grows in power, Future answers its call to physically join the gestalt by returning to Palisade, which results in a confrontation with Clementine where Future is captured. At the same time, Gur's stolen corpse falls into the ocean in a final death.
Although Clementine hands Future over to the Blue Channel, Jesset City steals Future, who sends him pessimistic visions that further entrench his descent into a one-man assassination campaign against Bilat targets. Once Brnine and Levi confront him, Future is imprisoned in the Diadem along with other Divines enemy to the Cause.Trivia[edit | edit source]
In the COUNTER/Weight Post Mortem Austin reveals the virtues Zeal would have embodied had another faction obtained it during the auction:
- Aria / Righteous Vanguard: Hope
- Cass / Golden Demarchy: Aspiration
- Free States: Desire
- Grace: Faith