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It's a vulture, man. It's a fucking vulture.

Righteousness is an ancient Divine. It is a software program that can be used to coordinate multiple physical or digital assets simultaneously.


Righteousness has many potential physical forms, as it is truly entirely digital. It has appeared controlling a formation of grav tanks, the operating system of a mech, or a simple suitcase or briefcase.

In "Do You Have Room For Me?", it appeared in the digital environment of Mako Trig's head as Ibex.


It is not content with moving freely. It insists, to its partners, that others must move freely, too.

Righteousness is exceptionally strong-willed and zealous. It has a deep commitment to others in the broad sense, but in the narrow sense is willing to do whatever it takes for that commitment, which includes doing harm. Austin notes that Irene Klipsch-Dove, its creator, gave it her best traits, but it also got some of the emotional baggage from her involvement with Rigour.[1]

Unlike its sibling Divines Liberty and Discovery, it prefers to take Candidates in order to achieve its goals more effectively.

History and Involvement


It was created by Irene Klipsch-Dove as a weapon against Rigour, and was the third or fourth Divine ever made (though it was not yet called a Divine at the time). Irene found it so intense that she was eventually unable to hold it back, and passed it on to Chital. Righteousness subsequently led the new Diaspora to flee into the stars during the dropping of the first stellar combustor.


Righteousness works with Ibex in order to create a revolutionary movement in the Golden Branch. It is present almost every time he is, until the finale, when it moves to accompany Aria Joie inside the Righteous Regent.

It is also in Mako's head until "Three Conversations", and runs spyware throughout the sector.

Twilight Mirage

Righteousness is briefly referenced in the form of a briefcase in a temple on Altar. As it is on Altar, it likely died or became inactive during the last 300 years of the Divine Fleet.[2]

The Road to PALISADE

Righteousness was presumably resurrected by the Divine Free States soon after Twilight Mirage, as it was chopped up to make Delegates on Palisade.[3] It is imprisoned on Palisade, like most of the other Divines used to make Delegates.
