Episode description[edit | edit source]
Below the amber leaves of Goldcrown, masses gather to pay respect to a fallen hero who is more pyrite than gold. And above them, pallid yellow clouds gather in fallow anticipation of what is to come: An event worthy of the cenotaph’s sobriquet.
The whirring of aircraft blades to the east. The rumble of truck, unseen, to the west. And in the middle, SBBR, waiting to draw.
This week on PARTIZAN: A Cemetery for Heroes
///Operation Dossier\\\[edit | edit source]
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Primary Objective: Prevent Kesh from retrieving the shipment of clarified memoria also known as “The Eyes of the Exemplar.”
Secondary Objective: Successfully retrieve the Eyes of the Exemplar for Millennium Break.
Rules of Engagement: Hurt none of the funeral’s attendees. Do not wake Order, whatever you do.
Contents[edit | edit source]
Plot[edit | edit source]
After the formalities, a ship transport and three Filigrees pass overhead; Valence successfully possesses one of their scanners with the help of their holy book, sending two of the Filigrees far west after a false alert. The ship and remaining mech land without seeing the team.
Thisbe spots a huge visually cloaked pickup truck coming in for the transfer, and Valence hacks its cloak. As it starts to covertly enter the funeral grounds, SI hits it with a paint mortar so they can keep track of it, then Thisbe rushes with extreme speed alongside and drags the driver out of the cab. SI and Valence get into the cab of the truck, and carefully drive it along the route’s secure checkpoints. Valence is forced to turn their body off temporarily to get through scanners but is still giving SI advice telepathically.
The subterfuge goes well, until SI comes face to face with Crysanth Kesh, who quickly recognises him despite his attempts at disguise. She forces him out of the cab and holds him at gunpoint whilst she alerts her forces. Addressing him as Laurence, the name he used years ago when he worked for her, she forces him to kneel.
They're interrupted by Valence, Thisbe in Mow, and Brother Cadmus. Valence, who has finally rebooted their body, tries to shoot Crysanth, but they're still not a confident enough shot to hit her. She unloads her pistol against Valence, seriously damaging them. Cadmus sends SI flying, knocking him out; Thisbe begins loading the Eyes of the Exemplar into Mow. She retaliates against Crysanth by glancing her in the side with Cadmus's harpoon.
As the Knights of Order begin to arrive in response to the commotion and Order rumbles in response, Valence orders Thisbe to extract with as much of the Memoria as they’ve got, leaving them behind. The True Divine’s energy begins to channel through their body, leaking out in arcs that form a circuit with the Eyes of the Exemplar until a massive explosion of light and energy erupts to the heavens, completely consuming and destroying them, Crysanth, and much of the cemetery.
The Divine Order wakes in the distance as Thisbe and SI escape on a boat. The Reflecting Pool moves in towards the destruction.
Cast[edit | edit source]
- Austin Walker (GM)
- Andrew Lee Swan (Valence)
- Art Martinez-Tebbel (Sovereign Immunity)
- Janine Hawkins (Thisbe)
Other Characters[edit | edit source]
- Crysanth Kesh
- Brother Cadmus
- Order
- The Witch in Glass