Episode description[edit | edit source]
A month ago, Millennium Break seized control of Cruciat, ushering in a new age on the holy moon of Partizan. But like a counterpunch already chambered, the great Stels of the Divine Principality hit back with force and speed, driving minor Millennium Break bases into the dirt. Today, along with Cruciat, the only two strongholds left to the revolutionary group are the Lambic House and a trio of cities along the eastern edge of The Prophet's Path. Millennium Break must hold this ground, at all costs.
And that is why, though they were one of the founders of the group, and its first executive elected, Valence’s request for support in finding the parts of the Exemplar was denied. Even now, with actionable intel from their contact in Columnar, SBBR was being told that they’d need to go it alone.
And with the memory of Gur Sevraq fresh in their minds, they saw no other option...
This week on PARTIZAN: Buried Beneath Golden Leaves
///Operation Dossier\\\[edit | edit source]
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Primary Objective: Prevent Kesh from retrieving the shipment of clarified memoria also known as “The Eyes of theExemplar.”
Secondary Objective: Successfully retrieve the Eyes of the Exemplar for Millennium Break.
Rules of Engagement: Hurt none of the funeral’s attendees. Do not wake Order, whatever you do.
Contents[edit | edit source]
Opening[edit | edit source]
It had been years since an actual stranger had knelt before Crysanth Kesh. Partly, that was because she knew everyone within a few rungs of her place on the societal ladder, and knew their servants, too. And thus, such prostration was usually reserved for unctuous ministers of state, or disposable assets who’d realized their utility had reached its limits. So this was new: someone she did not know. A jeweler, she thought, based on the little kiosk he’d set up on the main strip of this ad hoc town of exiles. An older man wearing a well-kempt beard and the golden ribbon of the Loyalists.
Above and around them, yellow leaves caught the light of Girandole and its sun, giving the air more shine than any of the paste this man was selling as if it were precious treasure. But he had a shine all his own, Crysanth must admit. A reverence for her, a belief in the Stel and its eternal commitment to being the best of humanity, and a few short words about the loss of her daughter: Clementine, whose effigy would be put in the ground in just a few short hours.
As she bought a cheap brooch, she revisited a question she thought she’d settled: Given all that had happened with Clem, was this ceremony fair? Despite having the finest education, the resources of the first Stel, and the most powerful name in the galaxy, her daughter had turned out to not only be incompetent, but incompetent at betrayal—so why should she get a state funeral? Well, Crysanth thought, not all grapes are fit to become wine. And what do you do with sour grapes? You roast them, until they are a tart and memorable dessert. That is why Clementine deserved a state funeral—because in death, she could be something she never was in life: useful.”
Plot[edit | edit source]
Following the takeover of Cruciat, it is several days before anyone discovers what befell Gur Sevraq and Clementine. A month later, Millennium Break has become occupied with the developing Kesh-Nideo offensive and is engaged in hot warzones across the moon. The Perennial Wave is waxing high. Valence, griefstricken, petitions Millennium Break leadership for support in recovering parts of the Exemplar of the True Divine, but even Jesset can’t afford them any resources. With most of SBBR deploying to Auspice to protect negotiations with the Isles of Logos, amongst others, Valence takes SI and Thisbe with them to disrupt a covert transfer of Memoria from Columnar to Kesh.
At Nooncrown, in the Kesh Estatelands, in what is now the Verglaz Jungle, there is a cemetery for war heroes, nobles and dignitaries where Clementine's funeral is being held. Intel suggests this is where the transaction will covertly occur. The dormant Divine Order towers over the proceedings, like a skyscraper made of stone and marble.
During the preparations, Valence uses their Farsight and SI investigates the funeral announcement at the Deep Dish Steak House. Their plan is to scale the walls with Mow, and draw out a Troop unit toward their mechs back in the jungle.
SI hides their mechs with a hologram. They observe Crysanth's introduction. Then a recording of a strange version of Gur Sevraq gives an anti-Millennium Break speech, which upsets Valence so much they inadvertently try to connect psychically with him. They are somewhere dark and cramped, unthinking and unable to respond; Valence also has a vision of a strange castle covered in Russian sage.
Cast[edit | edit source]
- Austin Walker (GM)
- Andrew Lee Swan (Valence)
- Art Martinez-Tebbel (Sovereign Immunity)
- Janine Hawkins (Thisbe)
Other Characters[edit | edit source]
- Jesset City
- Gucci Garantine
- Kenzington Be
- Crysanth Kesh
- Brother Alard Cadmus
- Gur Sevraq