Memphis Longhand

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Memphis Longhand is confident and the world tells you that makes Memphis Longhand an asshole because the world is not ready for people like Memphis Longhand.

Memphis Longhand was an OriCom celebrity mechathlete[1] who played on the Metropolitans piloting the Queenside Castle and starred in a propaganda commercial for OriCom to promote the war.[2]

Memphis Longhand was an exceptional mech pilot and who was drafted into the war that would become the Divine Clash and holds a low opinion and belief in the war as a result.[3] He later fought in the Divine Clash in the OriCom Logistics Division and was part of a mission transporting the Divine Courageous, and later moved the EDICT System onto the planet Grona.


Memphis Longhand was extremely confident in himself.[4]

When he launches his mech he hits a button on his dash and his theme song[5] begins to play, [6] he always did a complex ritual before launching the Queenside Castle which the mech itself would also do.[7]

He refers to himself in the third person, initially failing to consistently do so.[8]

Queenside Castle

The Queenside Castle is a custom Rook, it is the "fanciest Rook you've ever seen" with a Corinthian cow leather interior and cup holder. It has been hastily repainted for official use but you can still tell it was blue and orange.[9] It has a well appointed passenger space with room for a few people.[10] A few months after Lunar Leson had vanished, the Queenside Castle was repainted to have a stylish appearance; custom paint job, spoiler decals, and other decals. It was likened NASCAR.[11]

It had chaff countermeasures that when combined with its holo-projectors resulted in a distorting and multiplying effect that resulted in several versions of of the Queenside Castle executing the same maneuvers as the real one, the resulting effect covered a couple city blocks.[12]

Its quirks[note 1] were: 5-foot Long Cleats, Playbook AI, Home Run Pneumatics, and Wide Shoulders. The example given for the Playbook AI was like running sports plays, staying close to a pre-plotted out move, like charging down a street with its shoulder down or laying cover fire, but having the ability to improvise if needed. The example given for Home Run Pneumatics was standing in a three point stance to charge up a punch.[13]


  • Smack Talk was Memphis' comrade in the military. He had fondness for Smack Talk's enthusiasm for the war, as he wished he cared like Smack Talk does.[3] Memphis thinks Smack needs to carry himself with style and flair, and that his skills lie outside of a mech.[4]
  • David Talk was Memphis' comrade in the military. He did not like David Talk as much as his brother because of his lack enthusiasm for the war, which Memphis seen as a mirror of his own lack of enthusiasm.[3] Memphis thought of David as a skilled pilot.[4]
  • Lunar Leson was Memphis' comrade in the military before she vanished and reemerged as the Elect of Courage. He liked her because she seemed to enjoy all of the crew.[3]
  • Pidgeon was part of Memphis' squad in the mission on Grona. He doesn't hold Divines or Candidates in good regard, thinking "The only god Memphis Longhand has ever seen in a mech is in Memphis Longhand’s onboard mirror."[4]
  • Trio Trifecta is his long time friendly sporting rival.[14]

Appears In



  1. Quirks are a mechanic in Beam Saber that highlight defining features of a vehicle.
