(Redirected from Stilted Temple of Chitin Crow)
The Stilted Temple of Kite and Crow (aka. Chitin Crow aka. Kaitankro) is a small, tiered temple to Kaitankro that looks like a pagoda on stilts. There is a collection of kites tied to it, some of which are so high up they're in the clouds. Rana tends to the temple.
Location[edit | edit source]
The temple is in a canyon pass and overlooks Yellowfield. Due to the remote location, it does not get many visitors.
Details[edit | edit source]
- Domain: Religion-Haven
- Mind d8 Haunt: Have dinner with Rana
- Tea is free but food and stories cost a bit more
- Echo/Fortune d6 Haunt: Sacrifice something with the kites
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Art by Ylva Cornix