Episode description
Here's part one of Shooting The Moon featuring Jack, Janine and Ali! This part is just character creation before a real break we took on air and the next post will be the rest of the stream! Come get to know our humble toymakers and see if sparks will fly........!!
Find Pt 2 here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/live-at-table-pt-23397551
Players begin by creating the setting in which two suitors will compete for the affections of their beloved, deciding on a drama between old-timey toymakers. The story takes place during the holiday season in an alpine town with a mix of magical and mundane elements.
The two suitors are up-and-coming toymakers who are competing for a spot in the more established beloved's shop window, and perhaps a long term partnership. The beloved (Dovie Bluett) owns the toy shop Penny Many-Things, which is now in competition with the newly opened department store MaGuddans. She is known for her stuffed dog face designs and is attentive, generous, ingenious, patient, and good under pressure.
The first suitor (Carroway Sticklepath) is known for her stuffed cat face designs, but she never makes the legs even length. She is easily distracted, but passionate and thoughtful, but brisk. The second suitor (Mellow Aster) has the worst stuffed dog face designs, but the best tail wagging mechanism. She is observant, but myopic and impatient, but methodical.
Other Characters
- Ransom the horse
- Loyal Duncan, urchin