Live at the Table: Good Society Pt. 3

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Episode description[edit | edit source]

Hello everyone! Here is our final episode of Good Society!! Goodbye for now, snowy Nievelmarch and the strange woods to the east!

You can find more about Good Society here:

And find Jack's music at

Plot[edit | edit source]

Hoping to set up her friend and curious about the new arrival, Chatelaine invites Mint, Marzie, and Hilda over for tea. Diego rudely interrupts the visit, as he is still a guest at the Pellier estate, but Hilda takes the opportunity to interrogate him about his military presence in the woods. Speaking as an Executive Commander of the Velvet Manor, she insists he reduce the size of his force by three quarters or have the same amount be killed by the trees themselves.

Shaken by Hilda’s threats, Diego goes for a walk to clear his head. In town, he by chance encounters Henrietta, who finally apologizes directly for what happened with Honor. Diego accepts her apology and the two reconcile. Inspired by this conversation, Diego rides out into the woods and sends 80% of his men back to town, ostensibly to take time off for the holidays. He himself stays on the front.

Back in town, Marzie visits the Charlise home for a pie baking date with Mint. The two get along splendidly, the makings of a true love match. However Mint soon receives a letter from James claiming that Marzie has an unsavory background and asking for Mint’s hand in marriage. Despite family pressure to accept the offer, Mint asks for time to consider. With Hilda’s support, she instead writes to Marzie asking to meet at the upcoming Renewal Ball.

Diego runs a newspaper ad announcing that the Flint Regulars will be pivoting into a smaller private escort company protecting travel through the mountains, not industrial interests like James’. He also publicly thanks Henrietta for her aid in the arrest of Albrecht, hoping to clear her name. Now reconciled with both her mentor Anastasia and Diego, Henrietta invites the latter to be her platonic companion to the Renewal Ball. Diego accepts and sends along a sketch of the archway Honor was said to have been transformed into, which he discovered during an expedition in the mountains.

At the Renewal Ball, Frances Pellier arrives wearing a rare ice-petaled flower developed by Mortimer, revealing they had been getting to know each other off screen. Chatelaine acts the hostess, enjoying pleasant but shallow conversation with guests as she is no longer considered marriageable. Still, she shares a dance with her former flame Henrietta as they bond over the eventful holiday season. Diego encourages Henrietta to pursue the relationship before its too late and the two scheme to arrange a second dance with Chatelaine. While resting, Diego has a friendly conversation with his former host Darling, though their misunderstanding is not fully clarified.

Mint and Marzie share a dance during which they agree to visit Mint’s family home in the mountains together, beginning their courtship in earnest. Meanwhile, Hilda invites James for a walk outside and discretely turns him into a rabbit.

Epilogue[edit | edit source]

Three years later, Mint and Marzie are recently married and looking forward to another Procession Day at the Pellier’s. Diego and his parents are living in a converted guest house on what’s left of their family estate, getting by on slim profit margins from the Flint Regulars. Despite falling out of society somewhat, Diego is still on good terms with Henrietta.

Still has meddlesome as ever, Henrietta has learned some aspects of her family business, though her thoughts are still with her lost brother. Chatelaine has taken on increased duties as the Pellier heir, as more of her sister’s time has been dedicated to courting Mortimer, who she is set to marry.

Cast[edit | edit source]

Other Characters[edit | edit source]

  • Honor Sameday
  • Darling
  • James
  • Anastasia
  • Frances Pellier
  • Mortimer
  • Marzie
  • Sharp Molly
  • Albrecht Sameday
  • Hilda

Notes[edit | edit source]