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Aldomina consists of the three sections on the right.

Aldomina used to be the name of the whole continent that Sangfielle is set in, but currently describes the empire controlling several territories to the east of it.

Aldomina is divided into subsections, called cantons.

Culture[edit | edit source]

The historical human empire had strong medieval Europe/Catholicism vibes, which were maintained by the devils for PR and aesthetic reasons.

Cantons[edit | edit source]

There are three cantons in Aldomina, and two that were a part of it at one point, but separated.

Current Territories[edit | edit source]

  • The First Canton: The Throne of Dominion. Many hundreds of years ago, this was an early expansionist human empire, but was taken over by devils escaping hell. They took the empire and spread it outward until it covered the whole continent at one point, and turned most of it into agricultural fields to be worked by slaves.
  • The Second Canton: The Pale Magistratum, and the first canton's right hand enforcers. It is a land of snow and ash, whose population is predominantly Caprak.
  • The Fifth Canton: The Protectorate Kingdom of Ojantan is the most recent addition to Aldomina, and used to be independent, but gave into Aldomina with enough time and pressure — a scant fifty years before the Fourth Canton's revolt. Its people are primarily Ojantani.

Former Territories[edit | edit source]

  • The Free Seas of Kay'Va (formerly the Fourth Canton): An association of Drakkan communes on a southwestern archipelago. They separated from Aldomina 300 years ago, in a slave revolt led by Cecile Cartine, founder of Cartinism.
  • Unschola Republica (formerly the Third Canton): Land of mainly scholars and mages who seceded upon seeing an open opportunity, when the Fourth Canton was occupying Aldomina's attention with its own revolution. Primarily populated by humans.
  • Sangfielle, the Heartland: This rich expanse was an imperial breadbasket at the heart of the continent until reality started to crack, and its rulers fled. Nowadays, it is a re-frontier that is the source of all kinds of technological advances and sundry horrors.