Margate Lock

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First time we met I was trying to ask you out same time I was trying to lift your wallet so I could afford to buy us dinner. Shit, maybe that is young girl stuff. But look at us now — top merc outfit on the planet, exclusive invite from Mister Frontier himself.

– Margate Lock, "Today Is a Monday" opening

Margate Lock is a Columnar mercenary who runs the PMC Lock and Cross Security Services alongside her ex-wife Maidstone Cross.


Lock has an exo-like white body with pristine individual plating, with multiple layers of very replaceable parts rather than reinforced for strength. She looks like an unpainted porcelain figure.[1]

History and Involvement

Margate Lock and Maidstone Cross established Lock and Cross Security Services together at some point before or during their marriage. They continued to operate it jointly even after their divorce because they were too committed to their work together to separate professionally.[1] Lock, like Cross, became an agent of the Frontier Syndicate after Exanceaster March invited the company to become a Frontier subsidiary.[2]

During Kriminel Kollage's plot to resurrect the Divine Palisade, Lock observes members of the Blue Channel entering and later leaving the Fundament node at the bottom of the Diadem. From this she is able to glean that the Fundament is in some way important to the Cause, and that this information may be useful to the Authority. She is chased through the Diadem and ultimately killed by Candles Penumbra, but is able to send off her intel about the Fundament to the Authority before she dies.[1]
