True Loyalists of the Sunken Empress

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The True Loyalists of the Sunken Empress Altapasqua are a political faction of skeletons from the Waterlogged Kingdom. Their camp is at the high tide mark.

What Happened at Bell Metal Station

In Episode 17, Duvall, Lyke, and Pickman encountered two skeletons, Phendleton and Brace, in the wastes between Blackwick and Last Rest. They challenged the travelers to figure out what it meant to be a True Loyalist, which Lye answered as meaning that you killed many False Loyalists, having noticed that their armor had killcount stencils of skeletons with crowns. What the Empress herself has said about anybody's loyalties is anybody's guess.

Pickman convinced them that she had killed hundreds of False Loyalists, and they identified her as a famous "Goat-Killer of Skeletons". Brace gave her his sword, and the two walked away in awe to have been in the presence of a legend.