Sangfielle 56: Six Travelers: Pickman/Journal

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The following are the entries from Pickman's Journal described in Sangfielle 56: Six Travelers: Pickman. Most are taken directly from the episode, with small portions removed that were later thrown out by Jack and Austin as they discusses the events in more detail. Other pieces are the letters from Price and Alekest, and the letter Pickman leaves Colette.

The Journal

Day 1

Stuck in Zevunzolia. Learned of city from worm Calen. Finally here.

Wish Alekest could see it.

Despicable place.[1]

Day 7

I have a bed. Zevunzolia shifted. Stuck to roommate Colette. Friendly lady. I think she has begun to realize that something strange has happened. Colette invited me to gallery opening. Cajoled into it. Stuck in long queue. Extravagant costumes.[2] Where is Price?

(A drawing of the party, with a few doodles that have been crossed out.)

Day 11

Just got back from the theater. Long play. Sat in velvet box with Colette and two of her friends: Jenny [scared of me], Mikhail. Play about hunting and killing a dragon across generations. Compelling. No sign of Price.

Day 17

Some sort of courtroom. Idiot got himself caught up in something that he didn't need to be caught up in. Me and the others voted, after a long preamble by opposing lawyer. All sorts of regulations. They had the paper streamers again at the end when he was declared innocent. People outside celebrating with paper fireworks.

Seem to have smoothed things over with Colette by attending the court.

Day 22

No more theater.

Thinking about Alekest. Now that I have seen this place, I understand why somebody like him would think so highly of it… Zevunzolia… if you have a vineyard.

(A drawing of Alekest.)

Day 26

Found and lost Price. Won’t have an opportunity like that again. Not my first night in a cell.

Colette is going to be furious.

The book of plumbers short stories confiscated!

Day 32

Letter from Price


Let's settle this like where we're from. Festival of Clasped Hands, Tuesday, the square.

Journal Entry

Price dead. Wounded in stomach. Resting in bed. Colette sent for doctor. “You got shot on the Day of Clasped Hands?” Inauspicious. Price wanted to finish this Sangfielle style. We stood like duelists in the back of the square. Loud drumming. Felt weird without armour. I let him shoot first. Bullet arcing towards my head, right between my horns. Porcelain heart beat. Clipped me in my torso. Maleister out of bullets. Shot him in the head. No more sheriff in Blackwick.

Stuck in Zevunzolia. Still wounded. Colette angry at me.

Day 34

Alekest wrote.

Letter from Alekest

I cannot believe it. After all of the hemming and hawing, all of your resistance to even talking about the place, you’ve ascended! How’s the view from up here, Pickman? You still see the little people like me down here? I’m kidding, of course.

I’m worried. I hope you’re well. Get me a message somehow if you need me to make the impossible possible, come get you.

I hope you haven’t broken that heart of mine. Joking. Platonic joking. You get me.

Be safe.

Take notes!


PS. Something happened in Concentus. Figuring it out. Would love to have your help.

Day 37

Migratory birds move from Sangfielle up into the city. Harness the birds? No. Feeling better slowly. Now Price is gone, like a worm in my head, the question of how to get back.

(Drawing of the bird, with slight impressionistic aspects.)

Day 40

Train dream.

Day 43

Woke a train in the city. It was not my intention. The dead thing responded to the Shape.

Day 47

Bought a telescope in the antique store. Telescope had the name of a Sangfielle manufacturer on it. Old reputable brand. Good telescopes. When I look through the telescope I see what lies below us in the bloodfields.

(An attempt to describe the Shape by drawing it, only to have it burn through several pages.)

The wall has broken. That must be what Alekest was talking about. I hope he’s okay. I never thought the walls would fall.

Day 49

The woman from the terrible circus showed up. It feels like such a long time ago. I think it’s been 40 days.

(On the back she draws a few self portraits, imagining what it would be like to duplicate herself.)

Day 55

Letter from Pickman

To Colette:

I’m sorry I’m leaving so suddenly.

I have never been one for words. When I told you I came from a place far away, I was not speaking metaphorically or as a joke. I think it is something magical that separates us. Again, I am not speaking metaphorically. I meant what I said when I would try to write. A friend of mine from the faraway place wrote me to when we were living together, so I assume that it can be done. I appreciate you and our friends' hospitality, but I do not belong in this world. The world I belong in is changing very quickly, and I would be there to see it.

I’m sorry that I killed that sheriff at the festival and left you standing there without a partner. It had to be done, and if I’m being honest, I would do it again. Nevertheless,


E. Pickman

(A drawing of Pickman, Jenny Pryce, Colette, and Mikhail.)


  1. This entry originally contained reference to Pickman staying at a local bar, but Jack and Austin realize that Pickman has no resources, and would be sleeping in the streets of the city
  2. This section originally contained reference to Pickman finding a police officer and questioning them about Price, but Jack realized that they would not be at this kind of a party unless they were breaking it up, and changed the concept to have Pickman interrogating random party goers.