Unschola Republica

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(Redirected from Third Canton)

For a millenia, the alchemists, mage-practitioners, and cryptotheological scholars of the Third Canton complained in secret about the leash kept on them by Aldomina’s distant leaders. In their towering universities, they taught approved curricula but hid their most occult research, biding their time for a day they could split away from the confederation. And when the Drakkan revolted, they found their opportunity, using the Kay’van uprising as a cover for their own split. Can’t blame them for that, but I’ll always remember that it was opportunity, and not morality, that led them to side with us.

Unschola Republica (pronounced oon-skoh-la) is formerly the Third Canton of Aldomina. It is a land of scholars and mages who followed the Fourth Canton in revolting against Aldomina.