Gentian is the Nidean Elect of Crusade.
Her retinue includes two swordbearers (Ramondre and Ignadiah), a Knight of Books and a Knight of Cups.
Appearance[edit | edit source]
Gentian is "impossibly old, yet a source of power and vibrance."[1] She is a very slight older woman,[2] but she can move very fast when she needs to, and has supernatural strength.[3]
History and Involvement[edit | edit source]
While Gentian holds a picnic for her retinue in the Bontive Valley, the Lost Duchess Constantina Malady arrives, as foretold by the Dim Liturgy. Constantina Malady brings Gentian a mysterious gift in a large, ornate trunk.[3]

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This gift was an offer made by reaching back into Gentian's dreams, similar to those offers the Usher of Truth later made to Kenneth Marian Colver, Thisbe, Figure, and Cori.[4]
She later attends the meeting in which high-ranking members of the Bilateral Intercession and Frontier Syndicate gather to uncover the identities of the Cause's members. During this meeting, she consults the book carried by Clawed, which says, in script indecipherable to one not communing with a Divine, "You walk. You keep walking. You'll get to shells. Don't start digging." From this, she is able to eliminate the Witch in Glass, the Five Afflictions, STEREOMA, and a random man called Jason Smith from the list of suspected Cause members, leaving only the six actual factions comprising the Cause.[2]