Coriolis Sunset

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Coriolis "Cori" Sunset is a follower of Devotion and enthusiastic Blue Channel crew member.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Coriolis is a "tiny girl with pink hair",[1] about 21 or 22 years old.[2] She keeps her hair in a braid, until she cuts the braid off following the events of "Upon Our Grace" and switches to a shorter hairstyle with back of her head shaved.[3] Her flight suit is purple, with a design mimicking the human nervous system.[1] When she is on the moon, her flight suit includes what looks like a helmet but is in fact a generated atmosphere that Devotion provides so that she can breathe.[3]

At some point in her young life she grew three sets of small pink angel wings: one on her back, one on her head, and one on her arms. When she harnesses Devotion's power to do magic, the bone parts of the wings glow lilac.[4] The wings on her arms turn black after she breaks her beacon tenet and experiences a vision of Devotion.[5] The wings on her head turn black after she rejects her sword tenet,[4] and those on her back do the same after she rejects her shield tenet.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Cori is cheerful, earnest, and excitable. She frequently rushes headlong into combat and seems to be honoured when her captain tells her she's done a good job. She's a big fan of romantic period dramas with lots of pining. When it's her turn for movie night she picks one that she's watched 36 times, and she's dejected when Hunt doesn't like it.[6]

She is gradually becoming disillusioned with the cult she was raised in and questioning her relationship with her Divine.

In Questlandia, Cori's role is Hero, her drive is Love and Loyalty, her personality is Daredevil and Protective, and her weakness is Lash Out.[7]

Tenets (Armour Astir)[edit | edit source]

  • You are a shield. Leave none undefended while you still stand.[Note 1]
  • You are a sword. Strike down our adversaries with impunity.[Note 2]
  • You are a beacon. Your first priority is to spread the reach of Devotion, no matter the cost.[Note 3]

Hooks (Armour Astir)[edit | edit source]

  • I need to be stronger no matter what.[8][Note 4]
  • I need to find something to fight for other than revenge.[9][Note 5]
  • My bloodied hands must break the wheel.[10]
  • This war has taken too much from me; I won't let it get anyone else.[10]
  • I'll crush every hint of Arbitrage until something leads me to Elle.[10]

Goal (Questlandia)[edit | edit source]

  • My bloodied hands must break the wheel.[7]

History and Involvement[edit | edit source]

Cori originally hails from the Twilight Mirage, where she lived a very sheltered life as a young Devotee trained as a soldier.

Cori is a recent addition to the crew of the Blue Channel. Her first combat engagement alongside the crew takes place during the mission to find the Fundament node at the bottom of the Diadem.[Note 6]


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After being severed from the power of Devotion during a fight, Cori accidentally kills her own father.[11] She makes one of her brothers send the message to the rest of their family with the news, telling him only that she was present when it happened and she's not in a good place to send the message.[8]

Cori's Dust dream is of a near future in which she and Elle fight side by side against the Princept as members of Millennium Break. When Figure manages to pull her into his own dreamworld,[12] she is disoriented and "remembers" both fighting alongside Elle in her dream and, in Figure's, killing Elle. This dissonance, along with Figure showing her that the dream version of her dad defected to the Principality, convinces her that Figure is right when he says that the world they're in is an illusion, not reality.[4]

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Devotion[edit | edit source]

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Cori was raised as a devout follower in the Cult of Devotion. At the beginning of PALISADE, she is Devotion's Beacon, Sword, and Shield.

Over the course of the season, she loses her faith in Devotion and breaks each of her Tenets in turn. She stops being Devotion's Beacon after she fails to build a church to it in Baseline,[5] breaks her Sword Tenet by refusing to kill Elle Evensong and the other members of Dust's procession,[4] and breaks her Shield Tenet when she connects to the real Devotion for the first time and realizes that the Divine she was raised to worship is a false idol.[13] Mechanically, each time she breaks a Tenet, she replaces it with a Hook, and after she breaks her final Tenet, she switches playbooks.

She has, on multiple occasions, also had visions in which she seemed to connect with versions of Devotion that do not resemble the one she knows. Cori is confused as to whether or not these Devotions are all the same being.[14] Her ultimate discovery that the being she has been worshiping is in fact a fake Divine created to sap energy from the real Devotion ends her relationship with Devotion and the Devotees entirely.[13]

Elle Evensong[edit | edit source]

Elle Evensong is Cori's rival.[11] They want to shake Cori's faith in Devotion.[8] Elle used to look out for her when they were younger and in training together.[15]


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She blames Elle for the death of her father. During his funeral, Elle goads Cori about her faith in Devotion and Cori punches her in the face.[8]

Although they continue to conflict with each other, Cori wants to impress Elle and is often flustered by their flirting.


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After Cori forges a bond with Perennial, she reaches out to Elle for a rendezvous on the Isle of the Broken Key. They flirt and Elle shares their vision for the future: a fracturing of the Divine Principality into micro-kingdoms, out of which Arbitrage and its agents—including Elle—will build a new, managerialist world order. Hurt by Elle's nihilism, Cori argues persuasively that Elle should put their faith in Cori, not Arbitrage, and then kisses Elle.[16]

Family[edit | edit source]

She has a big family, a lot of whom live on Palisade,[1] including her father and some of her siblings.[17] Two of her brothers who live on Palisade are Formido and Phobos Sunset.[18] Her mom walked out on her dad, and she and Cori's other siblings live off-world.[8]

Griesel Sunset[edit | edit source]

Griesel Sunset is Cori's father. She loves him and wants to make him proud. He texts Cori about once a week; occasionally he'll use an exclamation mark when he says "good job" but usually not.[19]


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After she causes his death, she is overcome with guilt and grief. She asks Figure about how they were resurrected, hoping that she can bring Griesel back with no memory of how he died.[8]


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Seeing her father betray the Cause in Figure's dream is disturbing to her and deepens her doubt in Devotion and her training as a child soldier.

The Figure[edit | edit source]

Kalvin Brnine[edit | edit source]

Coriolis seems to have some hero worship for her captain, Kalvin Brnine. After the funeral in "In Their Fear Pt. 1", Brnine and Cori have a little heart-to-heart about grief, for which Cori expresses immense gratitude. They have a similar conversation in "Reach In / Reach Out Pt. 1" where she worries about what she's learned about her father and Devotion; Brnine reassures her that "everybody’s lives is built on bullshit" but she can still choose to fight for what she believes in.

Levitation Cascabel-Gardner[edit | edit source]

Cori dislikes Levi when she first meets him, especially after he tries to flirt with her during movie night, but they soon bond over eavesdropping on Brnine and Gucci together.[20] When they reunite in the "Some New Thing Found in the Light" interlude, Cori is delighted to see Levi, and they seem to be on good terms.[21] She is impressed by the urgency with which he fights, and he wants to help her get to the other side of the war.[10]

Perennial[edit | edit source]

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After Cori ends her relationship with Devotion, she becomes one of Perennial's witches. Mechanically, this means switching her playbook from the Paradigm to the Witch.[22]

Thisbe[edit | edit source]

Cori has a complicated relationship with Thisbe. She resents Thisbe rebuking her for killing unarmed scientists on Chimera's Lantern,[23] but she also confides in Thisbe about her relationship with Devotion and speaks to her about their shared interest in learning more about Divine existence.[14]

The Witch in Glass[edit | edit source]

Cori despises the Witch in Glass, in part for the things she did to Figure.[7]

Relationship Mechanics[edit | edit source]

Gravity clocks (Armour Astir)[edit | edit source]

  • Kriminel seems receptive to my words; I should see what Devotion means to her.[Note 7][Note 8]
  • A gloom hangs over Figure. I bet I can help.[Note 9]
    • Figure means well but I can tell he sees me as just a kid.[24]
  • The Captain makes everybody in the crew so welcome.[Note 7]
    • I can always rely on the Captain when I need them.[24]
    • Did the Captain always look this tired? Hope they can rest soon.[25]
  • Thisbe is afraid to get their hands dirty, kind of ironic for a farming robot.[Note 10]
  • Levi: It's good to see someone else fight with the urgency I do.[10]
  • Perennial has given me the strength to keep fighting. I can put up with their bizarre whims in exchange.[10]
  • (Rival clock with Elle Evensong, wording unspecified)[11]

Questlandia[edit | edit source]

Abilities[edit | edit source]

  • Tenets: Cori has tenets (above) that she must fulfill for Devotion or else it will lower her ability to channel its power permanently.
  • Inspire Focus: Once per Sortie, if Cori takes a visible position on the battlefield she can inspire her allies.[26]
  • Consecrate Ground: Cori may imbue an area with Divine power, which can have various potential effects, including keeping anyone in the area from acting violently[27] and preventing anyone in the area from knowingly lying.[4]
  • Mid-Season Upgrade: The opportunity to acquire something of immense power and value will present itself to Cori.[18]

Mech[edit | edit source]

Cori pilots a Chariot Mk II, which, like others of the same model, takes its power from the blessing of Devotion. It does not have another name and is simply called Chariot Mk II. Cori controls it using her own halo.


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After her father's funeral she calls her eldest brother, Formido, who works in the Devotees' R&D department, to request a new mech.[18] This new mech, the Paramerion, makes its debut in An Impossible Ideal.[3]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

You not rockin' with my dad?

– Cori, hurt by Brnine implying they don't trust her dad, "Upon Our Grace Pt. 3"

Footnotes[edit | edit source]

  1. No longer applicable as of "A Mechanical Whine Pt. 4"; replaced with third Hook.
  2. No longer applicable as of "Seize the Chance Pt. 5"; replaced with second Hook.
  3. No longer applicable as of "Upon Our Grace Pt. 2"; replaced with first Hook.
  4. Loosened by Dust's influence in "Seize the Chance Pt. 4". No longer applicable as of "Above the Earth Pt. 1".
  5. No longer applicable as of "Above the Earth Pt. 1".
  6. See "Into the World" arc.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Created in "I Would Like to Help You Pt. 2" but final phrasing not confirmed until "Upon Our Grace Pt. 1".
  8. Replaced by gravity clock with Thisbe in "An Impossible Ideal Pt. 2".
  9. Created in "The Canvas of Dreams Pt. 4" but final phrasing not confirmed until "Worth the Trouble Pt. 1". Increased to +2 and rewritten as of "In Their Fear Pt. 1".
  10. Created in "An Impossible Ideal Pt. 2" but final phrasing not confirmed until "Honesty and Integrity Pt. 1".

References[edit | edit source]