Rapid Evening (intelligence agency)

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The Rapid Evening is a galactic intercessory group with access to highly advanced technology. It is the active arm of the Principality of Kesh.


The Rapid Evening has at least fifty thousand years of continuity, if not more. Crystal Palace directs the Rapid Evening from the planet of Kesh beginning at some point between COUNTER/Weight and Twilight Mirage.


Some agents appear to act on their own as spies and/or saboteurs, reporting information to higher-ups and acting as necessary (such as Jamil or Natalya). Squad formations include planetary assault squads, like the one led by Kiva Helsing, or the Heresy Squads designed to target Divines, like the one led by Tetsuya Mori in COUNTER/Weight.

The existence of the Mirage Division suggests that agents and squads are broadly grouped into divisions that work in specific areas, though it's unclear if this was true before the Rapid Evening began to expand its remit outside the Golden Branch.

Primary and Satellite

Primary and Satellite are distinct roles fulfilled by some agents of the Rapid Evening. A Primary and a Satellite are paired together to carry out long-term surveillance of areas of interest, like the Twilight Mirage, with the authority and means to detonate a stellar combustor to destroy the star system should it be deemed "necessary". The Primary holds the detonator and the Satellite is connected to the combustor. Together their task is to observe and decide if or when to detonate.[1]

Demani Dusk and Gray Gloaming are an example of a Primary-Satellite pair, tasked to observe the Twilight Mirage. Andara Aurora is a former Satellite.


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In the PALISADE era, stellar combustors still exist and Stargraves fulfill the role once called Primary, while Elects of the Divine Authority carry out the function of a Satellite. One such example is Stargrave Elcessor and the Elect cybernetically wired to Authority on the Palisade combustor.[2]

Known Agents


Twilight Mirage
