Verglaz Taiga

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The Verglaz Taiga is an Keshian province which wraps around all the northern latitudes of Partizan. Its most important city is Cruciat, on an island in a bay off the Prophet's Sea.

The Verglaz is a beauty to take in, at least from the comfort of the palatial Kesh estates which dot its wooded expanses. From the smaller villages and towns, where feudal tenants huddle for warmth in the snow, whatever aesthetic pleasure the taiga may offer the rich is lost. In the south west, though, a new source of warmth has made its presence known: The burning engine of the Apostolosian war machine, which melts the ice away with artillery barrage and crashed mech, both.[1]

The farthest northern portion of Kesh holdings, in the planet's north pole, holds the Chasmata Quarry.

Soon after Millennium Break’s capture of Cruciat, Kesh deployed what it and its allies in Nideo are calling a miracle that echoes those done by Logos Kantel one thousand years ago: the melting of the snows, and the emergence of a new, jungle biome, emerging from the rocky plains, snowy hills, and dense forests that were already in Kesh territory.[2]

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