Partial Palisade

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Partial Palisade is a reanimated partial copy of the Divine Palisade. He is housed in a reused Delegate body. He was brought online by Kriminel Kollage and her associate, in the hope of fully resurrecting Palisade, which failed.


Partial Palisade has a wide-shouldered, emerald green Delegate body, previously used for heavy labor, with taut and powerful cabling. There are gold elements, such as the elbows and a stripe on the head. He has a single LCD screen in the place of eyes, which is cracked on one side.

History and Involvement

Palisade's last clear memories are of thousands of years ago, when he left the Divine Fleet and settled down with other people, making himself theirs in order to avoid becoming a colonizer. The planet is, in some way, his corpse.

After his resurrection, he is willing to help the Cause in their fight against the Bilateral Intercession despite not being able to fulfill the expectations that were put into his revival.[1] He is later seen doing farm labour with Rose River.[2]


The Figure in Bismuth feels kinship for Partial Palisade, given how both were resurrected against their will.[1]


I don't feel guilty because they want something I can't give 'em. I feel guilty because my whole life was about trying to give people things, and give myself to things, and I ran out of myself to give.[…]
Boy, I want to get some sleep. And then—
[…] And then I want to figure out how to be of use, I guess. This Bilateral Intercession seems like no good. I think y'all have the right of it. I know how to throw a punch. I know how to dig a ditch.

Appears in
