The Bluffington Beach Coin and Slot

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The Bluffington Beach Coin and Slot is one of the companies owned by the Pluperfect, and manufactures slot machines to sell to the various casinos of Atlantic City. Built on top of the old Bluff City Studios lot, the Coin and Slot has repurposed many of the buildings for their own use rather than knocking them down and rebuilding.

Initially, fifteen years prior to the events of Engines on the Track, Absolute was given funding to open the Coin and Slot on the proviso that they would bring jobs to Bluffington and not do any mass layoffs for ten years. As soon as they reached that ten year mark they immediately laid off their entire workforce, replacing them with automation.

This business has since been taken over/replaced by Ka-Ching Casino Repair.


Parking lot

Large, empty

Main structure

A large, four-story building. Previously used as Stage Two of the Bluff City Studios.

Welcome centre and museum

Converted from a movie museum to a museum of slot machines.

Broadcast tower

Converted to an internet tower.


Currently unused, probably still has old movie memorabilia in it.


Used as a showroom for current season slot machines, and looks similar to a car dealership showroom with big windows and rows of slot machines of all different variations. There is also free coffee. Previously used as Stage One of the Bluff City Studios.

Office building

Basically unchanged from it's time as the Bluff City Studio offices. Currently used as the offices for the CEO and upper management. Also contains a cafeteria.

Craft services

A holdover from the Bluff City Studios days, automated.

Manufacturing building

The building of new slot machines and the creation of new test models, fully automated. Guarded by 10ft tall security robots (in the style of rock'em sock'em with bigger heads and bigger torsos, with big slot machines on their chests.

Slot Machine Test Models

  • Underwater slot machines (created for an underwater casino that never opened)
  • A slot machine that’s supposed to be more expensive and therefore more lucky. They are currently unsure if they can get away with it legally.
  • A machine that's part slot machine-part microwave, with the idea being that you could sell microwave dinners and when a person loses they don’t get to eat
  • A machine that takes your money faster, hooked right up to wall street.

Underground basement

A dank labyrinth of corridors leading to a sound stage that has been converted into a secret manufacturing area for the Jackpot Supreme.