Ka-Ching Casino Repair

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CaChing Casino Repairs is a slot machine repair and manufacturer. They are located on the previous site of The Bluffington Beach Coin and Slot and the day-to-day operations are much the same (though it is unclear if the ownership has carried over from that time).

Their logo is a cartoon of a slot machine giving a thumbs up with the word 'CaChing' above it.

Proprietary Inventions

  • a webcam that would be attached to a slot machine to track real-time microexpressions of slot machine users, in order to predict when they were about to leave the slot machine and trigger a small win to entice users to keep playing (discarded due to legal concerns)

Staff Equipment

  • phone
  • shotgun
  • boston dynamics robot dogs*
  • drones*

*the robot dogs and drones make a bird-like noise (similar to a hummingbird or thrush) when communicating with one another
