COUNTER/Weight 10: Drawing Clocks

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Episode description[edit | edit source]

After 10 or so episodes of using Jeremy Keller's excellent MechNoir, we're switching our game of giant robots, neon hair, and gig economies over to Hamish Cameron's upcoming game The Sprawl. This week, we transfer Aria, AuDy, Cass, and Mako to the new system, but it's also a lot more than just shifting stats around!

After the food crisis that struck Counterweight, tensions between OriCon, the Diaspora, and the remnants of Apostolos are high. The Chime has gone to ground, giving them a chance to reminisce about their pasts and reveal a little bit more about who they are and what they really want in life. But while they'd would love to wait for things to cool off, you need to run missions to eat, and each mission brings change. Cass reveals that the September Institute played a horrific role in the defeat of Apostolos during the Golden War, AuDy begins to doubt their free will, and Mako determines that he will be the funniest person in the room, even if it costs everyone else their lives. Meanwhile, on a beautiful blue and green planet in the sky, Aria Joie finds something to believe in...

This week on COUNTER/Weight: "Drawing Clocks"

What's past is prologue...

Contents[edit | edit source]

Plot[edit | edit source]

Mechanical Changes[edit | edit source]

The session is dedicated to moving the Chime from their game of Mechnoir to an early copy of The Sprawl. To start each player picks one faction to mechanize as a corporation for The Sprawl. Art picks the Diasporatic Department of Material Resources, Keith picks the September Institute, Ali picks Counterweight's Angels, Jack picks the Liberty and Discovery Automaticorps, and Austin picks the Rapid Evening.

Aria’s new playbook is The Pusher. Her new moves focus on her ideals and her ability to inspire action. She is hunted by Earthhome now that her activities have begun to gain more attention. Her new personal directives allow her to mark experience when she values heroism or her own fame over the mission.

AuDY’s new playbook is The Driver, with some moves from The Killer. Their new moves focus on their piloting as well as their capabilities for violence. They also gain several small drones they can pilot. They are considered to be owned by Orth Godlove in repayment for the Kingdom Come. Their new personal directives allow them to mark experience when they discover more information about their sentience, or adhere to the laws of robotics to the detriment to the mission.

Cass' new playbook is The Soldier, with some moves from The Tech. Their moves focus on planning and strategizing, as well as their medical background. Cass is considered hunted by Oricon and the Diaspora, who aren’t thrilled about the Apostolisian heir running missions with a mech they shouldn’t have. Cass’ new personal directives allow them to mark experience when their role in Apostolos hinders the mission, or when they put the advice of Koda Whitegloves ahead of the mission.

Mako’s new playbook is The Hacker. In the new system the focus is on his body as his source of hacking. Mako is considered owned by the September institute, and is being hunted by Snowtrak for the money he now owes him for the mechs he purchased. Mako’s new personal directives allow him to mark experience when the mission is hindered by his goofball persona or his lies about his identity.

Missions[edit | edit source]

During the game’s two month time skip, members of the Chime run various missions.

Mako runs a job against Liberty and Discovery Automaticorps, sabotaging some blueprints that they had stolen from Mako’s client. Mako “fogged the shit” out of their automated security. Aria helps Mako secure an escape route.

Cass attacks the supply lines of the September Institute, hitting them back for a perceived slight during the war. AuDy brings the Kingdom Come to assist, and Mako is happy to help fight against the Institute.

AuDy breaks into an AI research unit of Liberty and Discovery Automaticorps to try and uncover more information about artificial intelligence units. Cass runs a diversionary play to keep the defence drones away while Aria breaks in with AuDy. While inside, AuDy learns of the laws of robotics, and finds they can’t stop thinking about them, leading to their new drive.

Aria joins the mission to Weight that Orth set up as a part of the Consolidated Counterweight Technocracy in "This Month of Ours". AuDy flies the Kingdom Come to sneak them through the blockade while Aria uses her pop star status to get her and the surveyors past the security. Cass provides medical support before and after the mission to help the surveyors deal with the change in environment.

Cast[edit | edit source]