Alonzo Victor Devaraux van der Dawes, also known as Devar, is an associate archivist working at New Archives Trade & Barter in the Kickshaw municipality of Rosemerrow.
Appearance[edit | edit source]
Claiming to be three-eighths orc, Devar is of more mixed ethnicity than most archivists, with human and halfling ancestry as well. He is short for an orc at 5'8", with small tusks, and tight, curly, human-looking hair styled in a boxed-out hi-top fade.
When Lem ran into Devar in Rosemerrow, he was wearing round eyeglasses with sunglasses on top of them that could be flipped up and a brightly-painted pre-Erasure shirt, possibly an artifact of the Black Slacks stolen from the Archives.
Personality[edit | edit source]
Devar has a loose but cautious demeanor and makes very good tea. His research focuses on novels, and he would like to write one of his own, serialized in The Rosemerrow Current.
He is bad at naming horses.