Deep Dish Steakhouse

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The Deep Dish Steakhouse is a bar-and-grill chain restaurant in the Principality. Their signature dishes are deep dish steaks and deep dish steak pies,[1] though they also serve buffalo Parmesan sticks, baked potatoes, and deep dishes of synthetic-appropriate oils.[2]

It is first introduced as a neighborhood bar in Oxbridge in the Underbridge area, and the Society of Banners and Bright Returns' bar of choice. They used it to clandestinely collect information a few times.[1][3]


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After the failed mission at Nooncrown, Sovereign Immunity spent time here and brawled with some toughs from the Company of the Spade. The afterparty for Valence's wake was also held at the Deep Dish Steakhouse, as they "loved the onions that sizzled on the steak plate".[4]

In the Road to PALISADE, Deep Dish Steakhouses are the location of a few (in-universe) Steam and Smolder live shows, as Dog Mettle's favorite bar.[2]

The Divine, Arbitrage described the Steakhouse's offerings as "gimmick-driven…slop" and insulted the decor as well.[5]
