Poetic Cipher

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To rhyme was to draw attention. To deploy imagery was to influence. And to build a canon of texts was to make a vault, inside of which civilisation would be protected, forever.

Poetic Cipher is a poetry-based security system used by Stel Nideo. Its use demands not merely familiarity with the works of Nideo's great poetic masters, but a deep understanding of the Stel's literary tradition and history,[1] such that unlocking a Cipher requires "inhabiting the aesthetic logic of empire."[2]

History[edit | edit source]

Poetic Cipher is rooted in the history of Asterism, and in the Resonant Orbit before it, both of which held poetry in the highest esteem. Over time, as Stel Nideo was founded and evolved, its relationship to poetry evolved as well. By the 15th century PM poetry had become a functional part of the Stel's imperial project. The use of poetry and literature in complicated locks was a logical extension of this.[2]

Cipher Certification[edit | edit source]

Stel Nideo has a Cipher Certification process that requires in-depth study of Nidean literature. Jesset City, for example, studied for years in order to become Cipher Certified.[2]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. PARTIZAN 14: Deception in the Canyon City, episode description
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 PARTIZAN 14: Deception in the Canyon City, intro narration
  3. Post by Austin on Sep 26, 2023. Cohost. Archived from the original on Jul 30, 2024.