Stray Dog

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The Stray Dog is Ver'million Blue's mech. It is a Zenith-A Project Katalepsis prototype model, stolen when she went AWOL from GLORY. Medium-sized and humanoid in base shape, but able to rearrange its body to accommodate the rail gun built into the torso and left arm.

It has visual elements of a stealth bomber or a jet plane. Each limb is double jointed with sleek black and silver plating. There is only one glowing "night vision goggles"-shaped red eye on the head, which houses the Stray Dog's aiming systems and pilot.

The mech has an internal helmet which allows Millie to connect mentally to its sensors as though they are her own. Using this causes migraines.

Lacrimosa Drive

The Lacrimosa Drive is a last resort system for the Stray Dog which causes it to radically transform. When it kicks in, its eye turns blue, leaking a neon blue-green iridescing oil, while "digital sobbing" plays from its speakers and comms (similar to the noise from Ju-on: The Grudge).[1] The same liquid was previously visible when the Stray Dog was damaged.[2]

The liquid melts off the Stray Dog's armor and cannon bracing, leaving it more symmetrical, while the parts of the cannon in its arm snap back into place along its spine. Underneath is a light, beetlelike, organic armor resembling the Guyver. It now runs on all fours. In this form, the Stray Dog wields an anti-infantry shrapnel launcher and has heated claw blades extended from its knuckles.[1]


Overwhelming Sensors
Double-Jointed Limbs
Hidden Firing Brace
Telescopic Lens[3]

