Keen Forester Gloaming

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Keen Forester Gloaming is Gray Gloaming's father and the Rapid Evening's Chief Intercessor for the Twilight Mirage. He flies on the flagship Welkin Absolute.


Keen looks like Temuera Morrison.[1]


Crystal Palace is central to Keen's life. As Austin puts it, "he has devoted his life to Crystal Palace above his family, above his own desires, and certainly above his morality".[2] In the Twilight Mirage post-mortem, it's indicated that he is Crystal Palace's Excerpt.[3]


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Later in his life, Keen loses all faith in and respect for Crystal Palace and deeply regrets the years he spent in servitude to it.[4]

His hobby is painting little figurines.[2]

History and Involvement

By the time of Futura Free, Keen has been a member of the Rapid Evening for decades.


Gray Gloaming

Gray Gloaming is Keen's daughter. He loves her, though their relationship is complicated. He writes at least some of his journal entries as if they were letters to her,[5] and she uses his name as her communications authorization code.[6] Keen is determined to "help" Gray and her Primary save the Mirage, whether Gray likes it or not.[5] Before Dark Day, he sends Gray a letter asking her and Demani to leave the Mirage.[7]


The inevitable engine of history? Derail the son of a bitch.

Appears in


  1. Futura Free Pt. 3, 3:12:45
  2. 2.0 2.1 Twilight Mirage 67: Futura Free Pt. 4
  3. Austin, Twilight Mirage 68: Twilight Mirage Post Mortem: "A thing I realized very recently is that Chief Intercessor of the Rapid Evening and Primary Observer of the Twilight Mirage is just his Excerpt name. It just is. Like, he says it without it meaning anything, ‘cause it’s just a verse to him. Um, it’s just like a— it’s just words at some point."
  4. The Road to PARTIZAN 11: Summary & Recap
  5. 5.0 5.1 Twilight Mirage 24: godspeed, glory Pt. 3, opening
  6. Twilight Mirage 09: The Sound of Strings, opening
  7. Twilight Mirage 54: Downtime on Skein, opening