Transgress Oblige

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A mech designed by an incredible expert. It's like if someone said “I wanted to build god a body”, they might build this.

The Transgress Oblige[note 1] is Gucci Garantine's mech.


The Transgress Oblige is medium-sized (about 60ft) and has a mostly whitesmoke-colored body. Its torso, shoulders, and upper arms covered in what appears to be a secondary armor layer that is royal blue with gold flourishes. It carries a bazooka and a pair of beam partizan (with a golden beam blade) which can retract into a beam saber. Austin likens its appearance to the Gundam mobile suit Sinanju Stein, but fancier.

Below the blue armor layer is an astonishing crystalline core made of Q-Glass. Those that see it are struck by the power and magnificence of humanity itself.[note 2][1]



  1. In PZN 04, Austin pronounced the name of this mech as Transgress Oh-blee-jay. In PZN 06, he went back on this and decided that it is pronounced Transgress Oh-bleege, which is how oblige is pronounced in French.
  2. This is an old Independence Mk II, designed by Grand Magnificent.
