Torru is a planet in the coreward region of the Golden Branch primarily relevant in COUNTER/Weight. It has a thin atmosphere and temperate weather. It is inhabited by billions of non-humanoid alien zebras (aka "xebra") described as "No Man's Sky animals". What limited industry exists there is factory farming.[1]
Torru was once an Apostolosian planet.[2][3] The Rapid Evening begin COUNTER/Weight with control of Torru. Apostolos soon attempts to retake the planet, becoming involved in a largely unsuccessful and destructive siege of Rapid Evening holdings.[4] Sokrates, Integrity and their tactical skills eventually aid in Apostolos winning the siege.[5]

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After the September Incident and Cass's ascension to the head of the Golden Demarchy, they lead the Demarchy to collaborate with the Rapid Evening and the Principality of Kesh in building a "megalopolis" on Torru to be an alternative population center to Counterweight.
PARTIZAN[edit | edit source]
In the Road to PARTIZAN, Torru is mentioned briefly as the site of a military victory led by Dahlia on behalf of Stel Apostolos.[6]