Iota Pretense

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Iota Pretense is the leader of the Quire people. A descendant of the Apostolosian smugglers who brought the Gnosis Virus to Quire 26,000 years ago, she led a faction of the people of Quire in the war against Independence.


Iota is around 5'7 or 5'8, and has tough teal-grey skin and scales going up her neck and under her chin. Instead of the vestigial arms of Qui Err seen previously, she has rounded-off bone spines coming out from her shoulder blades, and curved spines encircling her skull. Her very long hair is double-braided and weaves in and out of the head spines.

She wears glasses, and an outfit similar to Eleanor Varrot's from Valkyria Chronicles. Specifically, it's a dress jacket that buckles down her right side, becoming a dress, with pants and a white blouse underneath. A little cape is attached to the jacket with a Q-glass brooch. The outfit is mostly grey, with white and burgundy lines, and occasional Q-glass accents.[1]

History and Involvement

When she was a little girl, she lived in a palace, during the arrival of Independence on Quire. She was playing with her pet, an eight legged monkey, when her parents argued.[2]

Fifteen or so years later, she led troops in the war against Independence, giving a speech on a military base.[2]

During the Miracle, she was 'reconstituted', and now lives again. During "This Year of Ours: The Muscle," she caught up to Echo and took back both her ship and the living grass snake, leaving them with the eyepatch that once belonged to her ancestor, Captain Sciron. She seems to have some knowledge of the workings of stitches, as she was able to bring Echo from the planet they were on to meet with her.

She becomes the leader of the Qui Err Coalition, and must negotiate her leadership position with her history as part of the Quire royal family.
