Maidstone Cross

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Maidstone Cross is the ex-wife of Margate Lock and one of the leaders of Lock and Cross Security Services,[1] the largest mercenary unit on Palisade.[2]


Maidstone is a Columnar synthetic. At first glass she looks more like a person made of metal than a robot: you have to look closely to find the joints. She wears long, thin, rectangular glasses even though, as a Columnar, she could opt to simply get different robot eyes. When she runs missions, she tends to wear lighter military gear.[3]

History and Involvement

She established Lock and Cross Security Services together with Margate Lock at some point before or during their marriage. The two of them continued to operate it jointly even after their divorce.[1] Like Margate, she became an agent of the Frontier Syndicate after Exanceaster March invited the company to become a Frontier subsidiary.[2]

Some time after the death of Margate, Maidstone takes part in an operation to harvest the Fundament node beneath Braunton. Despite encountering 12-foot-tall invisible minotaurs and Grey Pond snipers, she and her teammates manage to enable Frontier access to the node and escape largely unscathed.[3]

Maidstone accompanies Exanceaster March to the meeting in which the Bilateral Intercession and Frontier Syndicate uncover the six factions of the Cause. This suggests that she is a high-ranking member of the Frontier Syndicate.[4]


  • Maidstone is more of the operations person when it comes to running Lock and Cross.[3]

Appears in
