Twilight Mirage 12: The Promise of Presence

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Episode description

In the month after the midnight attack on Doyenne Undela Apogica, the crew of the Myriad explore the nearby deserts and jungles in preparation for a journey to the region’s largest settlement. The artist Grand Magnificent finds an abandoned production facility lost in the dunes, while Echo Reverie finds a strangely shifting monument to the past. Even Gardner picks through the remains of a Crown of Glass Saint* for parts, and Gig Kep-hart finds that new friends come from surprising places.

Find a place for a quiet one

This time on Twilight Mirage: The Promise of Presence

The Remaining Records of Curiosity // Reference Code: V-Qu75-35-CGS
Crown of Glass Saint

A grotesque figure of a body, with glass heart and empty head. An echo of an unknown history. Sand splashes up in waves as it runs. Eight fingers. Only a single will.



[Satellite] Report 125.

It's funny, Primary. It's been a month since we lost connection. And when I finally heard your voice again, my heart, well, the closest thing I have to one, anyway, it didn't swell so much as it found a stable rhythm it had forgotten. Don't take this the wrong way, but now that the connection is back, it feels like I just don't have a lot to say. That doesn't mean I'm not happier with you there, though. I am. It's so good to know that when I speak, you'll hear me.

And that group down there, they're kinda the same. They're all so different. And I haven't seen any of them get close to each other yet, not really. But I look at them and think, maybe connection isn't always about words or even about actions. It's about presence. The promise of presence. It's knowing that after you leave home, there will be someone there for you when you come back, someone with their own stories, their own life worth telling you about.

This Mirage is an assignment for us, Primary, and we're not supposed to get too attached, I know. But more and more, I'm starting to think of this place as home.




  • The quote "Find a place for a quiet one" from the episode description is a line from the song Hublots by Frank Ocean.