Echo Reverie

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When all this is said and done, if I'm mentioned in a history book, I'm hoping it's just the footnote.

Echo Reverie is a petty criminal with no cybernetics or connection to the Mesh.


Echo is an ethnically First Nations/Native American[2] genderfluid person who is a big fan of crop tops.[3] They're "very androgynous" and have a "fine-boned face" and long, dark blue hair (line in an anime). They are 5'6" and built "like a gymnast".

Their clothing, which is versatile and functional, includes an "athletic crop-top", "baggy military pants", and an embroidered silk bomber jacket that they made. The back of the jacket depicts a fight between a tiger and an eagle. Echo also wears a sheath on their back in which they keep their sword, Elegy. Elegy is a rectangular, single-edged blade with a slightly angled point, similar to one used by the character Yarong from Shaman Warrior.[4]

During Episode 13, Grand Magnificent and Echo design a mech named Overture that is described as "slender and asymmetrical".


They've spent their whole life being told something is wrong with them.

For their whole life, Echo has had to fight. They have become very good at it.


  • If someone doubts you, prove them wrong.
  • Don't let Gig use you for entertainment.
  • Make sure that the Mirage isn't being forced on Quire.
  • Don't burn yourself up to keep others warm.
  • If nobody is gonna protect the little guy, I will.
  • The chip on your shoulder isn't heavier than a human life.

History and Involvement

Born without the nanites that followers of Harmony use to connect to the Mesh, Echo lives entirely outside the augmented reality which most inhabitants of the Twilight Mirage dwell in constantly. However, they are in prime physical condition, and seek to use their strength to protect others.

Having been arrested by the Beloved Dust in the midst of a larger investigation, their sentence was commuted in exchange for traveling in a protective capacity with the small group sent to begin the process of colonizing Quire.



  1. "'stay tough little tiger, just know i'm proud of you even if mom and dad aren't. hopefully i can meet you down there someday - b.r.'" - description of aubade::elegy, Sylvia's playlist for Echo