Aura Antigua

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Aura Antigua is one of the inhabitants of Contrition's Figure. About 10-15 years before the beginning of Twilight Mirage, she killed the Cadent Over Mirage.


Aura has pale skin, blonde hair going white, light grey eyes, a small nose, and a prominent chin. She is seen wearing a white dress, the hem of which is slightly wet. She plays an instrument that resembles a koto or other long zither, but curves up in a slight L shape with additional strings forming a triangle like an arched harp. On her head, she wears a device made of golden lines shaped like a halo, crown or cage covering the side and back of her head. The lines are in motion in and out from her head. Metalwork on the device depicts a humanoid figure with their hands around the throat of a second figure.

History and Involvement

Aura grew up as an artist on Memorious who knew the Cadent Over Mirage. She later became the Cadent's servant, bringing her needed items, playing her music, and offering her company. When Memorious died, she blamed the Cadent for it and eventually drowned her.

The device she wears was meant to be an aid to help her relive chosen memories. With the corruption of Contrition's Figure it started to respond to sounds by showing her the memory of killing the Cadent Over Mirage over and over. She keeps playing her instrument to ward off that memory. The people of the digital city are obsessive and aggressive toward her, or anyone wearing the device.

After Fourteen takes the device off Aura, she shows Shoghig Salon a way out of the digital city and flees with her.