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Delian is an employee of the Marrowcreek slaugterhouse.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

He is a human with blond, slicked-back hair.[1]

History and Involvement[edit | edit source]

Delian is a new arrival to Marrowcreek who is working at the slaughterhouse and staying at the Green Hotel.

The Blackwick Group first encounters him in Marrowcreek as a participant in a crowd of people who silently throw overripe stone fruits at a banjo player. When Hazard asks why they're doing this, Delian shushes them and explains that the crowd is throwing fruit because the banjo player is doing a poor job.

After Chine joins in with the fruit-throwing, Delian brings Hazard back to the Green Hotel to answer their questions about a tall one-horned demon. He's seen this person working in the slaughterhouse. Despite offering to introduce Hazard to the one-horned devil,[1] Delian only goes as far as bringing Hazard to the slaughterhouse and telling them to look around.[2]

Appears in[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]