Sangfielle 09: The Secret Ledger of Roseroot Hall Pt. 1

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Episode Description

For the past few months, the Blackwick County council has kept Dayward yon Vantzon-Estonbergh at arm’s reach, close enough that his Aldominan wealth can filter into town, but not so close that he could risk overturning the order of things. Now, he’s called in a favor, and eager to keep things even, the council has turned to the Blackwick Group to meet his needs.

The problem is less “simple” than “timeless”: His home is not acting the way it should. Moonlight fails to pierce the windows. The halls twist and lead him to strange places. The very decor shifts behind him. This is, it seems, a haunted house.

So who better than the Blackwick Group to attend his needs? Before they can, however, they must cross the distance (which Mr. YVE has decided to place between himself and the town), and climb the hills north. They ought only hope they aren’t the only travelers in the hills...

This week on Sangfielle: The Secret Ledger of Roseroot Hall Pt. 1



Other Characters
