Eyes of a Killer 04

From fattwiki

Episode description[edit | edit source]

Turned me into a man and I cannot stand it. I am too big. My head is too far from everything that matters. Look at the world from up here. Flat wasteland. Everything pushed down. No wonder they act like they do. I can’t smell anything any more. Stink of the refuse behind the hotel but that has been pushed down too. Wasteland smell and I can’t learn anything.

So I go to the witch and I ask her to work the revenge on he what did this. The witch is a man yes but there is something of us in witches and the kin and I have always known that. What revenge would you have she says.

I would not give him a gift and make him like us. That is no revenge. He would so plunge into the woodland or wriggle down into the earth and the closed doors of his world would be flung open. Bright sunlight or the death light either he would relish.

No for my revenge I need to make him more like he is. More like a man. I don’t know says the witch. I don’t think that ladder can be climbed higher. Of course it can I say. Make him climb up there until his head spins and he empties his stomach with the height. And then fix him there with nails.


Contents[edit | edit source]

Plot[edit | edit source]

Cast[edit | edit source]