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Jerboa is Ibex's younger brother and the candidate of Detachment. He is aligned with Grace and the Hands of Grace, but still carries his brother's old pistol from the Golden War.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Jerboa is a slick-looking young black dude with a high-top fade with lines going down the sides.

History and Involvement[edit | edit source]

Details of Quentin's childhood are unclear. He probably spent at least some time interacting with Maryland when she was with his brother, and Liberty and Discovery accompanied Ibex to Quentin's high school graduation.

By the end of the Golden War, Jerboa is already a candidate.


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Jerboa encounters the Chime as they attempt to leave Counterweight. He announces his intent to kill them for meddling in the politics of the Golden Branch. Unfortunately for him, the Chime disables Detachment's satellite defenses, and when Liberty and Discovery come online, Detachment automatically lets them into its cockpit, releasing Jerboa to die alone in space.

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Ibex[edit | edit source]

Prior to Jerboa become a candidate, he and Ibex had not spoken face-to-face in five years. Despite that, Jerboa sees Ibex as a role model enough to have deliberately followed in his footsteps.

Jerboa eventually aligns politically with Grace, against his brother.


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Nonetheless, he calls to Ibex for help as he dies.