Eyes of a Killer 01

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Episode description[edit | edit source]

"The methodologie thus determined, I resolved to make sweete my revenge that verie evening when the hunting partie returned. As the bookes had told me and as I had confirmed through conversations slye and discrete with both the quarryman and the quarryman's boy, once the calid partick was brought close to the knives in the silver drawer they were made hotte as of an awful son and with stinginge flesh I dropped the blade gladdened that my revenge would be most awfull. Anon the master and mistress and their hunting partie did return to the stable and so too did their houndes and horses. At times in the planning my hearte was stilled and and my blode fervour cooled by the knowledge these poor beastes must mete the same end as their craven masters but I remmembered and my hearte lit aflame once more with the knowledge that all gaines in houndes and horses and fine silk and propertie and wine and stronge liqour and horns and paintings is built on the blode and on the broken backs of those who want nothing more than to lift their heads in dignitie. So from the rafters I did scatter the calid partick. It felle upon their armour steele like a cleansing rain and their screams rose up to me in the hayloft."

E. 1211.

Contents[edit | edit source]

Opening[edit | edit source]

Plot[edit | edit source]

Cast[edit | edit source]